24: 𝔽𝕖𝕦𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕥

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𝘍𝘦𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵- the color of a dying leaf

𝘍𝘦𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵- the color of a dying leaf

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Dear no one,

I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant.

I just know it. My period has been late for two weeks and I have a sinking feeling it's not simply an irregularity.

It's devastating.

I don't exactly consider being knocked up by my tormentor a step toward happiness. Then again, I think his personal mission is to suck all the life out of me and then watch me rot.

It's one thing for Leviathan to completely ruin my life but I am not about to let him destroy an innocent child's, let alone my child's.

I'm determined to not let him find out; if he does, there is zero hope for me and my unborn baby. Especially if it's a girl.

While it might theoretically be easier for me to try and abort the baby, it's not going to happen. There are way too many risks and quite honestly, I can't think of a way I could do it without Leviathan finding out.

So the baby stays.

Now it's even more important than ever that I get out. The clock is ticking for me and my unborn child.

Send help,


Rose's POV:

I have a plan.

It may not be a stable one, and it might just get me killed, but it's about all I've got. I do have a plan B, but it doesn't exactly end pleasantly for me. Yeah, I'm not even going to think about plan B.

For my plan to work, Mr. Rossi is going to have to continue to be the pretentious butt-face he is and, in Mama's words, underestimate me.

But first, I have to get out of this cement cage.  And in order for that to happen, I need to be brave and go completely outside of my comfort zone; I need to purposefully attract Mr. Rossi's attention.

I can think of about a million different ways this could go completely and utterly wrong, but I have to remind myself that worrying gets me absolutely nowhere.

I am strong.

I am independent.

I can do this.

Deep breaths Rose.

I decided the best way to draw attention to myself was to refuse to eat; Mr. Rossi obviously doesn't want me dead (if he did, I would be long gone) which means he can't just let me starve myself to death.

Well, that's what I'm hoping.

I'm not sure if it's working though. I haven't eaten in four days and there hasn't been a signal sign of concern. Besides the food that I leave untouched when the guards throw it to me, nothing has changed. I'm still ignored and left here to go insane.

Amidst the nausea, hunger pains, and mental anguish starving myself has brought, I'm beginning to worry that I'm out of luck.

I'm not even sure this torture is worth it anymore. Maybe he doesn't care about me after all. Maybe he planned to kill me all along. Maybe he knows it's an act.

I begin to rock in a ball as I feel a panic attack approaching.

Why am I so stupid?

No wonder Mama left me, I'm a failure. I'm not even strong enough to save myself. I let my own father kiss me. Maybe he's right; maybe I do just need to leave the world.

My spiraling is quickly cut short though when the handle on the big metal door begins to shake. I hear a distinct 'click' of what's probably a lock and then the door is opened revealing Mr. Rossi himself wearing his signature sneer.

It's time for phase two whether I like it or not.

"A little birdy told me you're refusing to eat and that doesn't make me very happy Doll Face. I've given you a while to correct your childish actions and you have not done so. Whatever you are hoping to gain out of this, just know that there is no escaping me, not even with death. You are mine."

As he says this he begins approaching me, trying to make me feel powerless. It does for a few seconds and it takes pretty much everything in me to not apologize over and over again, but then I remember why I defied him in the first place. I need to get out of here. This allows me to gather up just enough courage to continue forward with my plan.

I look up at him with big eyes as he begins invading my personal space. As soon as he touches my body, I begin to cry out. I turn into a frantic, shrieking mess as he tries to contain me. Each time he touches me, I violently thrash and claw at anything my hands are in reach of in response.

It's all an act though; I'm only acting crazy to flip the balance of power. If there's one thing Mr. Rossi didn't account for, it was me being just as mentally disturbed as he is. While technically I'm not, he doesn't need to find that out because I can still act like I am.

Growing up with Mama and her fits was truly a blessing in disguise. She gave me the knowledge I needed to use mental insanity to my advantage. I know exactly how it feels to deal with someone having fits, and if I'm able to recreate them accurately then I'll be able to manipulate Mr. Rossi with his own emotions.

It doesn't matter how evil or cold someone is, they still feel things. Otherwise, I don't think they would let their anger get to them (which he seems to do a lot).

"What is wrong with you!?" He struggles to tackle me down and get my hands behind my back so I can't move very much.

"The voices!" I shriek, "GET THEM OUT!" I continue to jerk my body wildly trying to intensify the effect. Then I begin to chant nonsense to throw him off even more.

"Someone get me something to knock her out!" Mr. Rossi screams to what I'm assuming are his minions. I don't pay him any mind as I scream and kick my legs in every direction.

Within moments, a bulky man runs into the room carrying something I can't see and I feel a prick in my neck. Quickly, everything seems to slow down until I finally give into the darkness with a smile on my face.

Maybe there is hope.


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