6: ℂ𝕚𝕣𝕔𝕦𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥

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𝘊𝘪𝘳𝘤𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵- to embrace, clasp tightly

𝘊𝘪𝘳𝘤𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵- to embrace, clasp tightly

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Rose's POV:

Waking up is always my least favorite part of sleeping, but this time is different. Instead of waking up cold and depressed that afternoon, I wake up warm with the sun shining on my face. I'm held in an embrace but I'm too comfortable to care who it is.

My hands reach up to my face and as I try to rub the grogginess out of my eyes. When my vision clears I slowly turn my head to find that Giovanni is the one holding me.

My mind tells me I should be scared but for some unknown reason, I'm not. I'm actually happy. Something about this feels so right; as if it's meant to be. If you ask me, it makes zero sense. I just met this man yesterday and now we are sharing a bed, together.

How did this even happen? The last thing I remember is sobbing about my dead mother as Giovanni tucked me into bed. Wait, Mama... I need to check on her! I try wiggling out of his tight embrace only for him to hold me tighter.

"What's wrong Angelo?" He questions softly.

"Mama... I need to check on her!" I say with worry.

"I've taken care of everything, there's nothing to worry about."

"W-what? What do you mean you've taken care of everything?"

"How about we go get some lunch and then we can talk. Sound good?"

I nod my head in response.

"Words please."

"Yes, I understand Giovanni."

"Good job," he stands up and pulls me out of bed. Together, we walk down to my kitchen in peaceful silence.

"Do you like grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup?" I ask deciding that I'm in need of a comfort meal.

"Yes, do you need help making it?"

"I think I've got it, thank you though." With that, I get to work. I walk over to the pantry and grab a can of tomato soup. I don't have the time or energy to make it from scratch. While that's warming up, I grab the bread and cheese for the sandwiches. The whole time, I feel someone watching me but it surprisingly doesn't make me feel insecure.

Ten minutes later, me and Giovanni are sitting at the small table Mama and I used for all of those years with warm food sitting in front of us.

"Be careful, the soup might be hot," I warn him and blow on the spoonful of soup I'm about to inhale. Turns out I didn't blow enough though because it's still boiling hot. My eyes tear up slightly as I gulp the soup down and hastily take a big drink of my milk.

Giovanni chuckles, "Maybe you should listen to your own advice," he teases. I just shake my head and giggle.


After we finish eating and I clean the dishes (not without protest from Giovanni when I told him I didn't need help), I bring him out to the living room.

"Can we talk about Mama now please?" I ask wanting to know about what happened while I was asleep.

"I had a funeral home come and remove the body." My face quickly morphs into one of horror thinking that Mama's body was taken. "Don't worry though, you get to choose what happens now with her body." Relief washes over me.

"I'd like to have Mama buried in the cemetery nearby." I know exactly where to bury her; next to where my grandma is buried. I may not have been alive when she was, but I do know that Mama loved her very much. Mama used to tell me about the place where Grandma is buried and how she would want to be buried there too.

"Alright. I know this is hard for you, but soon you will have to think about whether or not you'd like to hold a funeral and all of the technical details that come with burying a loved one."

"I don't want to hold a funeral, there'd be no one to come, just me and that would make me even more sad." I pause to recollect myself. "Can we bury her tomorrow?"

"I can arrange that. Would you want to go back to my apartment and figure out all of the fine details now?"

"Um, sure?" It comes out more as a question due to my rising anxiety levels at the mention of going outside once more. The last time I left this house, things didn't go too well. Plus, I was too panicked to think rationally. If I go outside now, I'll be feeling the full weight of my decision.

I snap back to reality when I feel his hand gently stilling my bobbing leg. I blush a bit, embarrassed that I zoned out. "Sorry," I whisper.

"It's alright, is there something wrong with going to my house?"

I instantly panic, "No! Your house is perfect, it's so elegant and warm! I just, um-" Giovanni cuts my blubbering off.

"It's ok Angelo, you don't need to explain if you don't want to."

"No, I do want to explain. It's just hard to put into words... um, well, before yesterday, I had never been outside this house. As you saw, things didn't go very well yesterday so it's just kinda scary to go back out again."


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