13: 𝔸𝕓𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖

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𝘈𝘣𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦- the strong urge to avoid someone or something

𝘈𝘣𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦- the strong urge to avoid someone or something

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Rose's POV:


For my dearest doll,

Now that I have found you, I don't plan on letting you go.

See you soon,


I stare wide-eyed at the crimson-red teddy bear sitting on my perfectly made bed in Mama's house. The letter that sat on its lap only confused me more. Found me? See you soon? Never let me go?

The vague and alarming phrases leave my brain scavenging for answers. I feel slightly disturbed by the letter; something about the whole, 'I don't plan on letting you go' fills me with panic though.

There almost seems to be an undertone of malice hiding beneath the surface. I have no real basis for these feelings though so I decide to brush them off. It's probably nothing and I'm just overreacting. Mama used to tell me that my anxiety blows everything out of proportion. It's probably just that; I'm overanalyzing.

Looking at the teddy bear, I involuntarily shiver. The color reminds me of that night. Grabbing the bear, I turn it around trying to see if there's a name. A small tag near its tail says "Charon" and I decide that's a good name for him.

While examining the bear, my phone rings. It's an unknown number but being the inept I am, I decide to answer it.


It's quiet on the other end for a few moments. I decide to just hang up but right before I press the red button, someone answers.

"Rosary," a deep masculine voice speaks. The voice itself invokes fear in me and I don't recognize it either. Mentally I try and go through the people in the world who know my name. Not many, only Gio and my old teachers whom I never gave my personal number.

So who could it be? Is it the same person who sent me the bear and letter?

"W-who is t-this," I manage to squeak out.

A dark laugh loudly blades through the phone and I squeeze my eyes shut in pain.

"You'll know soon enough Doll." After that, he abruptly hangs up and I'm left sitting there in utter bewilderment. This day has been so strange.


Since the mysterious phone call and message yesterday, I've been living on edge. Most of the time I feel as if someone is watching me; their eyes glued to me wherever I go. But whenever I look around, I can't see anyone. It's probably just my brain going into overdrive; I need to get over my irrational fears.

I decided to not tell Giovanni about all of this because I don't want to stress him out with my trivial problems. He may never talk about his emotions or work, but his eyes say it all. When we aren't hanging out, Gio's anything but happy.

Sometimes I worry that I'm the one causing him all of his unhappiness, but Giovanni always reassures me that I'm not a nuisance and, in fact, am the one source of happiness in his life. I always tell him how big of a problem that is -he should have other things in life that make him happy- but he just looks at me like I'm crazy.

Recently though, Giovanni's been leaving more for work and when he comes back he's even more of a grump than normal. The only explanation I can think of is his work is becoming more busy. It's another reason why I refuse to tell him about the mysterious man who calls me doll.

I feel slightly guilty about it; friends aren't supposed to keep secrets. But I remind myself that the only reason I'm keeping this a secret in the first place is for him. It's better that he doesn't know.

Something's been bothering me about the bear though. How did it get inside my house? I always lock the windows and doors. Unlike everything else in my life, my hyperactive brain can't seem to come up with an explanation for this.

My head suddenly begins to hurt and I groan in discomfort. I've been thinking too much again. Slowly I lift myself off the couch in Gio's apartment and stumble my way into the kitchen to the medicine cabinet. Opening it up, I smile faintly when I see that Gio must have moved the pain medication to the lower shelf for me.

When I first got here, everything was always so high up and I couldn't reach anything. Normally I'm not bothered by being short, it's how I've always been. But when I need help reaching a plate for every meal, it does frustrate me. I want to be independent!

After I take two pills and swallow some water, I decide to drown my sorrows in some Disney movies. Hopefully, if I ignore my problems they'll go away. I doubt it but it's worth a shot.

As soon as I sit on the couch, I curl up into a ball with a few of my favorite fuzzy blankets from Gio's apartment. After turning a movie on, I let myself sit back and become entranced by the problems of fictional characters instead of mine.

I used to get so worried for the characters in the stories because their problems seemed so much greater than mine. Now, instead of feeling anxious while watching movies, I smile because they allow me to forget about my complicated life; even if only for a couple of minutes.

Slowly, the movie fades into the background of my attention as my brain begins to cloud over in drowsiness. My eyes close and I release all of my built-up tension. A soft sigh escapes me and a smile graces my lips as I think about Giovanni.

I wonder how he is and what he's doing. Does he miss me? I miss him. I imagine his deep laugh, the intricate tattoos that coat his olive skin, and the way he looks out for me. I think about that despite how grumpy he looks from the outside, he truly has a big ooey-gooey heart.

With each thought, I'm gently lulled into a deeper and deeper sleep until the line between life and my dreamworld becomes hazy like fog on a fall morning.

Everything's going to be okay, it's got to.


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