The Dark Angel

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(Abhimanyu's Pov)

The scene I saw shocked me, I am guessing she thought I would not be coming here she pointed a gun at the guy I was not expecting to see something like this and there was one more guy with her by her side I have seen him some where but I am not able to recognise him at the moment

"Tell me you fucker why did you choose to trouble me ?" she asked the guy the guy was trembling with fear but still chose to remain silent "oh so you won't tell me huh?" She said as she attached a silencer to the gun and shot him the next moment.

She saw me and her eyes widened as she was not expecting me but she composed herself and gave me a little smile as she walked towards me with the other guy "I think it's time to tell you the truth now" she said and left me wondering "what truth ?" I asked her with a confused look "well I know you and your name and it's nice to officially meet you Mr black devil" she said with a smile which shocked me again how does she know my underworld name "who are you ?"

I asked her in a dangerous voice "Hi I am 'Athena Myth - the Dark Angel'" she replied with a smile "please let's go in the cafe and talk I want to talk about something serious" she said in a sweet tone I was not expecting all this Athena Myth is the Queen of the underworld she never showed her face to anyone but her name is enough to scare somebody to death well ofcourse I am the King there but every child knows the name of Athena Myth

I agreed and we went in the cafe she ordered the other guy to clean the mess outside and turned towards me "actually the thing is I know you from the starting as I am the one with whom you deal your weapons and I found out that you love me and I did not want us to start a life with a lie I mean I didn't want you to know that I am Athena Myth after marriage and feel that I have cheated on you by not telling the truth and that's why I thought I should show you this, after seeing all this if you......if you change your decision of spending... spending your life with me it''s okay I..I would mind it" she said the last line looking down and letting her silent tears fall.

I cupped her face with both my hands and moved her face to me "Lavender listen it's true that I would feel cheated if you would have told this to me after the marriage but you trusted me and told me everything it's true that I Love You not your name or your body or whatever you do I love you and I would never ever change my decision whatever the consequences might be I will always keep loving you and it's okay if you don't love me still my love is enough for both of- " I was about to to complete but she kept her hand on my mouth "I love you" she said with her teary eyes

"Lavender it's okay if you don't you can say it when you feel it" I said not wanting her to feel forced to say this just because I said it. "I told you that I love you I don't say anything without meaning it and you know it very well" she said with a pout "ofcourse I do" I said because in the dealings and many times she has helped me in the underworld and I know she doesn't say anything she doesn't mean.

(Trisha's pov)

I finally told Abhimanyu about myself I feel as if a rock is removed from my heart because now he knows whom he is marrying and I honestly don't feel like hiding anything from him and we even work as partners in the underworld so I don't think there is any harm in telling him my identity as he is going to be my husband afterall.

I was already back home now I kept my gun in my locker and locked it as I couldn't let my parents see it I of course can't let them know I didn't even let them get the slightest of me involved in the underworld since last seven years. Afterall I was 20 years old when I entered and created my identity there.


Hi guys I know this was a very small chapter but that's all I could write today but next chapters will be long enough and I am going to skip their wedding because I have no inspiration for it sorry guys but next chapters will be directly about their married life

Stay tuned!!!!!!!
Bye guys 👋🏻

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