17. Love-Starved

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Elora pov:

As soon as we stepped in through the weathered door, the sound of laughter, chatter, and lively music greeted us. The air was filled with the scent of alcohol, delicious food, and the aroma of burning wood.

My eyes swept over the area and a shiver ran down my spine. The tables were occupied by men, with only two waitresses maneuvering through the crowded tables. Laughter erupted as a man attempted to flirt with a waitress, and the woman responded with what looked from her facial expression a sassy remark.

Chatter gradually hushed down, and heads turned towards us. Goosebumps prickled across my skin, as curious eyes ogled me from head to toe. I shifted on my feet feeling uncomfortable and my body instinctively leaned towards Aurelius. But as soon as they noticed the man by my side, they averted their gaze just as quickly.

I glanced up at Aurelius, he was in a simpler attire which didn't give away his status in any way. With his muscular, tall body he would be considered a threat. Yet, I had no doubt in my mind that one person was nothing against dozens of men. I was darn sure he had no reason to help me either if it came to it. However, Aurelius had always this natural capability of instilling fear in anyone with one glare from those unhinged fiery eyes, and that dangerous aura surrounding him like a dark cloud.

"Oh, my lord! To what do I owe this honor to, my lord? Have my prayers been answered, that you graced us with your presence." A man in his late forties popped out of nowhere and greeted us with an exaggerated enthusiasm. Gold embroidery adorned every inch of his attire, starting from his shiny, green doublet with huge bubbly sleeves that clung to his stout figure, to his silver trousers.

Aurelius responded with a curt nod, clearly not impressed by the flattery.

The man turned to me, with a huge grin, a golden tooth sparkling under the candlelight, and continued with the same level of enthusiasm: "And who is this fair Lady? Forgive my impertinence, but your beauty ..."

"Enough," Aurelius snapped, causing the man to flinch and cower away from me.

"My deepest apologies, my lord, if I offended you in any way. I assure you, my lord, that this was not my intention." The man bowed and forced a tight embarrassed smile.

"Please, allow me, my Lord, to personally lead you to our most exquisite table in the house." The man quickly and proudly nodded his beer stein to a vacant table in the furthest corner away from the noise.

Aurelius glanced at me and then nodded to the man, but his scowl remained glued on his face. I sigh.

As we settled in, the man hurried away to bring our order. I leaned closer to Aurelius across the round wooden table and whispered: "Do you know him?"

"He is not important." He clicked his tongue in annoyance, his eyes searching my face for god knows what.

I nodded my head awkwardly and averted my eyes to my hands trying to distract myself. My lips formed into a pout, grumpy Aurelius was back.

However, my senses were awakened, as a delicious scent reached my nose, and my stomach made itself known. I salivated at the sight of the various dishes placed in front of me. But the pie seemed extra mouthwatering to me, that golden crust was calling my name. Unable to resist any longer, I took my fork and dove in. The whole world faded into the background as I savored each mouthful. I decided from this moment forward, this was my go-to place, I would bring the girls as well and Emmett would've enjoyed this pie.

"So what's your plan?" Aurelius asked. My eyes flew to his in surprise, his chin was resting on his fist, and his plate was barely touched.

"Pardon?" I had no idea what he was talking about.

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