4. Dinner

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Elora Pov:

Dinner was the only time the whole family gathered around the table since everyone had work to do during the day.

The clinking sound of forks and knives was barely audible above the sound of chatter and laughter. The Earl and countess were in their own world chatting and giggling like newlyweds, their care and love for each other apparent with every glance and little touch. The two brothers could not stop teasing each other.

Sigh, what a beautiful family.

I silently swirled my spoon in the chicken soup, it smelled so good but I had no appetite.

My stomach twisted in knots every time the stranger from the dandelions field crossed my mind, which was every second. I could not shake him off, his image still vivid in my thoughts, especially those wild eyes of his. That terrifying aura surrounding him, a dangerous man indeed.

I opened my mouth to ask The Earl about the prince's whereabouts. They are supposed to be in the neighboring country for some political reasons.

However, I quickly changed my mind, if I asked about the prince they would think It was because I was obsessing over him.

"My lord, my lord!" The butler rushed into the dining hall interrupting my train of thoughts. My head snapped towards him, he was standing at the entrance of the dining hall drenched in the rain from head to toe.

"what's gotten into you, Alfred.'' The Earl gasped, clearly distressed by his butler's state.

"My lord, it is urgent." He exclaimed, his nostrils flared with each harsh breath.

"Could you please bring a towel or blanket for Alfred?" I beckoned one of the maids with a wave of my finger and I whispered in her ear when she bent onto my level. The poor man would catch a cold.

Across the table, Marcus raised his brow in suspicion as he noticed what I just did but he couldn't hear what I said. I smiled at him to reassure him, but he rolled his eyes. My eyes narrowed into a glare, my mood instantly souring.

"No, you go change your clothes first before you catch a cold. I'll handle work later Alfred, now I'd like to enjoy my meal with my lovely family. " The Ear's tone left no room for argument.

"My lord." Alfred insisted, handing an envelope to the Earl. My breath got caught in my throat.

I made a quick calculation in my head. Is it what I think it is?

"Fine." The Earl clicked his tongue, clearly annoyed by his butler's stubbornness. He opened the letter and his face dropped as he read the piece of paper. My chest tightened.

"What is it, dear?" The countess's voice was laced with worry and she took her husband's hand in hers, rubbing her thumb soothingly over his skin.

"Leopold.. he passed away yesterday morning.."

A gasp escaped my throat upon hearing the devastating news. Poor Delphine, she must be broken, her father was the only family she had left.

"Viscount Bexley!" the countess gasped, her hands flying to her mouth, and the earl nodded his head solemnly.

"Oh, my lord! He had a daughter, right?" The countess exclaimed.

"Delphine, she is the same age as our Elora" The earl shook his head in sadness, then he added commanding Alfred "Prepare the carriage, I am leaving for the viscount estate."

"I'm coming with you." The countess stood up from her chair.

"You need to stay here. Our kids and the estate need you more, my love." The Earl kissed his wife tenderly.

After The EndNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ