8. broken promise

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Elora pov:

"My lady, my lady. Please, wake up." Dorothy's urgent voice penetrated my sweet dreams.

"Ugh," I groaned, pulling the sheet over my face. Why do I have to wake up so early, why?

Wasn't the whole point of being the spoiled daughter of a wealthy Earl not having to deal with such inconveniences? Then let me sleep, let me peacefully make up for all the sleep deprivation between my high school and part-time jobs.

"Elora! It's already noon." The sheets were suddenly pulled off my body. Squeezing my eyes tight, I hugged my knees to my chest, a shiver ran down my spine as the breeze coming from the window brushed against my skin.

"Don't be so dramatic," Dorothy rolled her eyes, draping a silky robe over me. I greedily accepted it and quickly slipped it on.

"What is it? What happened?" I whined, my fists rubbing my eyes sleepily.

"A letter has arrived, my lady, from the royal palace." She explained calmly and handed me a letter. My body shot up abruptly, any trace of grogginess from sleep now was long gone.

I gulped, my stomach twisted as I accepted the letter from her. With trembling fingers, I traced the bright red wax seal feeling the engraved symbol. My eyes widened as they moved swiftly across the text.

"Why would the king require my presence?" I mumbled in shock, the letter slipping from my hand and resting on my lap.

"My lady... the letter is from His Highness the Prince, not his majesty," Dorothy's eyebrows arched.


"The seal, my lady," She explained. My lips formed into a small 'o' and my whole face flushed, feeling like a deer caught in headlights.

"Right, I paid no mind to it," I cleared my voice, trying to redeem myself.

"I should prepare myself then, yes?"

"Your bath is already ready, my lady. Would you require any assistance?" Dorothy inquired.

"Nope, thank you." I practically ran to the bathroom, away from her calculating gaze.

Even when I sank into the hot, flowery-scented water, my muscles were still stiff as a rock from all the nerves. Why would the prince want to see me? Doesn't he hate me? It was clearly stated in the novel that Elora's presence mentally and physically exhausted him. The poor guy.

So now why? I gasped, only one logical answer came to my mind. No, she won't do it, she promised.

I wrapped a towel around my body and another around my hair before stepping out of the bathroom. Dorothy had already laid out several outfits for me to choose from.

In the corner of my room, two other maids stood with their heads looking forward and hands clasped behind their backs, waiting for instructions. I noticed one of them was Delphine's maid. Hadn't she returned to the mansion yet? A burning weight heavily pressed on my chest.

"Why would the prince want to see me?" I wondered out loud. Dorothy's fingers momentarily paused from drying my hair. A brief silence filled the air before a sigh escaped her rosy lips.

"Men are strange creatures. When you lose interest, suddenly they want you." she shook her head in disbelief.

"I don't think that is the case." I giggled nervously, biting the inside of my cheek.

"You too naive my lady, men have twisted brains" She nodded, lightly tapping the side of her head.

"How would you like your hair, my lady?" She asked as she released my hair from the towel.

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