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*Mature (sorry if you're getting tired of smut, but it's Ry's birthday. He deserves birthday sex. Btw, next chap is gonna be mature too)


When I woke up, Ryland was already gone. I didn't like waking up alone, but I'm so glad he didn't fall asleep with me, considering Mom is now back with that soup.

After eating, we opened the presents like she said we would. It was the usual gifts I kind of expected. Some clothes, another game I was wanting, and a Bluetooth speaker for my room. The only thing I didn't expect was the speaker. I still appreciated it nonetheless.

It doesn't take me too long to get better. Actually, I'm over it before the weekend is gone, which makes me happy. I get to go see Ryland after school. But by the end of Monday, my plans get ruined. I got Ryland sick. I know it's my fault, but why did it have to happen? And not only that, but he's refusing to let me come anyway, not wanting me to catch it again. When I told him I didn't care, he was adamant on it. I even threatened to use the key to let myself in, but he told me no again, that he'd barricade his door if he had to. He's so dramatic. But I guess I could use the free time to search for him a birthday gift.

I spend the next few days going to the mall after school, but I come up empty handed every day. I have no idea what to get him. I feel a little ashamed about it. I should know him better. But now that I think about it, I don't know many of his hobbies. I know he likes to game, too, but not as much as me. He doesn't like sports, so I can't get him anything related to that. I'm stumped. He said he didn't want anything materialistic, but I want to give him something. But how am I supposed to top his gifts? I mean, he gave me a key to his apartment. I can't beat that.

Hmm... Maybe I could do like a gesture for him. I could go to his apartment when he's not home and clean it. Maybe make him a meal to come home to. I roll my eyes. I can't fucking cook. But I could order something and get it delivered... Dad did end up sending me some birthday money. I'll think about it some more, and if I can't come up with anything else, I'll do that.

The next day at school, I find myself asking Amaya at lunch to give me some ideas. I mean, I helped her with getting Alyx something for Christmas, so maybe she can help me out this time.

"I have no fucking clue," she says, making me sigh. "He's like the hardest person to buy gifts for. He's not really a materialistic person. He's more into giving gifts than receiving them."

"So, you have nothing?" I ask.

"Nope. I usually just smoke some weed with him."

"I want to do something more than that," I mumble. "What about you, Alyx? Any suggestions?"

He looks in thought for a moment before shaking his head. "I don't really know what he likes so... You could always go with a gift card." That's kind of lame, though.

"Hmm," Amaya hums. "Well, I do have an idea, but I don't know how you'll feel about it."

"Tell me." I'll take anything I can get.

"Give him yourself."


"He really likes you, Wes. I'm sure he'd be ecstatic if you let him use your body however he wanted." Alyx chokes on his drink at her words but doesn't say anything. I can tell he wasn't expecting her to say that, though. Hell, neither was I. "I'm just saying. Maybe do something you two haven't done before."

"That's... an idea." What haven't we done before though? We've blown each other. And we've done a pretty good amount of positions. There's not really much I can think of that we haven't done. I mean, I haven't fingered or fucked him, but I don't really care to do that. And I know he's not interested in it. I mean, I feel like he'd possibly do it if I brought it up again, but I don't want to nor do I want to make him feel pressured into trying it. Maybe one day, but right now I don't care about it.

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