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New Year's Eve didn't take long at all to get here. I'm already pulling up behind Alyx's car on the curb of this guy's apartments.

I climb out and meet Alyx as he's getting out. "So, this is the place?" I ask, looking at the buildings.

"It's the right address anyway. And Amaya's car is out front." I recognize the silver car that she usually drives to school parked right next to a black truck.

"Okay. I'm hella nervous, honestly," I admit. I don't like going to new places I've never been to and meeting new people I've never met.

"It's all good. Amaya said it was only going to be a couple of people, so you don't have to worry."

"Isn't that what everyone says about every party ever?" At least that's how it is in movies. It starts out with a few people then turns into a rager.

"I'm just telling you what I was told. Let's go before other people start to show up."

"Okay." I walk beside him up to a door with the number '8' on it. Alyx knocks on it. Faint yelling can be heard from the other side before the door suddenly opens, revealing a shirtless guy with only jeans and a towel draped over his broad shoulders. I drop my eyes down to his abs. Damn. He's got a really nice body. That's how I'm trying to look.

I bring my eyes back up to his face to see him looking at Alyx before bringing his eyes to me. His eyes are green like mine, but his are lighter. Mine are more of a dark forest green. I really like his blond hair, too. I wonder if it's natural. He's a pretty handsome dude. Like, for real. I bet he has no problem getting girls. I bet they don't lie to him, either. I mentally groan and push the thought of Claire to the back of my mind.

"Sup, guys. Come on in." Even his voice is deep. He gestures for us to come in. I follow behind Alyx and close the door behind me. It's a pretty small apartment to be on the expensive side of town.

"Hey. This is my best friend Wes," Alyx tells him.

I make eye contact with him again and tell him, "Hey, thanks for letting me come."

"It's no problem. My name's Ryland." I give him a nod. "Make yourselves at home. I got alcohol in the fridge, so help yourself. There's also chips and other snack shit on the counter. I got to go finish getting ready." It does look like he just got out of shower with the way his hair still looks wet. "Oh, yeah. By the way, Alyx, Maya is in the bathroom fixing her hair." He rolls his eyes. "And she just kicked me out right when you knocked, so she might be a minute.

"Okay, thanks," Alyx tells him. He gives him a nod before disappearing down a hallway.

Well, if I'm here to party, I'm going to party. And he did say to make ourselves at home. I find his fridge and grab two beers out of it, one for me and the other for Alyx. We open ours and both take a sip. I turn my nose up at the taste. Why can't alcohol taste good?

Someone suddenly knocks on the door, making me look over at it. "God damn it!" I hear Ryland yell. "Alyx! Can you get that for me?"

"Yeah!" he yells back. He goes over to answer it, so I take a seat on the couch. On the other side is Kayson Richards and Elaine Blair, both friends of Amaya's. I've never really talked to either of them. They're both popular, and I don't really fit in with that crowd.

"Hey, Alyx. How's it going?" Kayson asks him.

"Good. What about you?"

"Pretty good. It's about to be better. I'm so ready to get drunk." Same.

"Hi, Alyx," Elaine says to him.


They both step inside, flashing me a smile. I return it and drop my eyes before I start to feel awkward.

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