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A/N- So, I want to explain some things in case anyone is wondering! This book (as of right now) will be a lot shorter than Who She Is/Who They Are. Probably 25/30 chapters because their relationship moves faster on the same timeline as the one Alyx and Amaya are on in book 2. I realized after Wes and Ryland met that I wanted them to be gay, but I didn't realize how close the days were between their encounters until I decided I wanted to write this book. So they meet on a Monday (New Year's Eve), and Wes goes to get his car that next morning on Tuesday. They meet again at the gym on that Friday. Then Wes starts to show tendencies on being gay at Lexi's party at the cabin that next Saturday. This new chapter will be that Sunday!

So in Who They Are, I do a time jump a week after school starts back (When Alyx does the project with Madelyn) to Spring Break! There won't be a time jump for this book! Not a big one anyway. I'm planning for their story to be what happens between January through March! And don't worry! Spring Break will be written from Wes's POV!

I just wanted to let you guys know they may move faster than you're expecting, but that's just because they literally do! They're both hormonal boys that can't help the attraction they have for each other lol! But if you're expecting smut within the next few chapters... you may have to wait a little bit longer because I don't think Wes is ready for that just yet...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!



I can't stop thinking about last night. I can't believe I got that drunk off three shots. Was I even really that drunk? I remember everything. Everything... I feel regretful, but I'm not even sure what I regret. Telling him I'd think about dating him? Or for almost kissing him? Or for... not kissing him? God, I lost count on how many dreams I had of kissing him. It's like my subconscious wants to know what it's like, and it's all I can think about. I mean, it's just kissing, right? It can't be that different with a boy.

I glance at the clock in the living room to see it's after five. He should be home. I wonder if he's keeping an eye on his door, hoping I'm coming. Is he thinking about me right now? Should I go? No! It hasn't even been twenty-four hours. I really need to consider this rationally. If I go, that means I'm saying yes to dating him. Do I even want that? I hardly know him. That's kind of why you date someone, though. To get to know them.

Suddenly, I remember him saying something else last night that makes my stomach feel funny. He wants me to be the bottom... I couldn't imagine a whole dick going in there. Plus, wouldn't it just hurt? No way it feels good. Why does it have to be me? Why can't he do it? Sex with him would be a lot easier to consider if I was the one putting it in. I think, anyway... I don't know. I don't really have any interest in doing that, though... Does that mean I am fully straight?

I kind of want to look it up. To see how it works. But I can't bring myself to search up gay porn. Plus, it'll probably scare me off. Porn's already exaggerated, so I don't think looking it up is the best idea. I could ask Ryland. He did say he'd teach me everything I needed to know. That would mean he'd go easy on me since it would be my first time. God, I sound like a virgin. Well. I guess technically I am in that way.

I push sex out of my thoughts. I don't even know if I can handle kissing, let alone sex. I think kissing would be easier, though. Especially with how nice and soft his lips look.

I bury my face in the couch and let a groan out. That's it. I'm going. I'm going to his apartment, and I'm going to kiss him. Because I'm not going to dwell on this anymore if I can't even handle that. Plus, kissing one guy doesn't make me gay. People do it all the time for dares, so one kiss isn't a big deal.


I stop dead in my tracks at his front door, all the confidence leaving my body now that I'm here. Shit. Go home, Wes. Just go home.

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