Chapter 15- The Final Battle

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If it wasn't for Theneaus's temper, we wouldn't have found him so quickly. He was voicing his frustrations loudly, yelling at Matthias, who was apparently a "stupid, insolent boy" for "dropping such a precious and powerful item, you fool."

My bath would have to wait a little longer as his words echoed down the tunnel, which was now lit by torches (thanks to Darius) back to the three of us, who followed his pronouncements until we found who we were looking for. The walls became more raggedly carved and scratched, crudely made as if they were fleeing to escape to their natural form.

When we entered another cavern, ready to fight him, Theneaus and Matthias looked at us with matching faces of fear and astonishment that they also quickly recovered, masters of facades as they were. Theneaus handed Matthias the Sacris Ferrum, shoving him behind his raging form, then stepped forward to greet us.

"Well, well, well," Theneaus said, his voice carrying itself with its usual confidence. Why do bad guys love to use that line? Doesn't he know how overused it is?

"I didn't expect you to make it this far, but I underestimated you. You leave me no choice but to kill you all now."

Darius laughed. "How can you kill the three of us, when I can do this," he flicked his fingers with the familiar golden fire, "she has a dagger," he pointed to me, "and we have a nymph?"

Auriol blushed at his mention of her but then tried to make a serious face, which made her look even more out of place with the oversized metal helmet still on top of her head.

Theneaus looked highly amused. "Little boy, I admire your bravery. But, unfortunately, I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well." 

He began to chuckle as suddenly, the ruby ring he wore glowed a bright red,  quickly emanating a shimmery, black mist that began to fill the room into a blind fog. Soon I couldn't see Matthias or Theneaus, let alone my two comrades.

"Good luck escaping now." His voice boomed, seemingly coming from multiple different places. "I have you surrounded. "

A dim, golden glow from nearby let me know that at least Darius was alright. "You coward!" he shouted into the mist with an edge of determination to his voice over the usual bravado. "Show yourself!"

"If you wish," Theneaus's voice purred.

Eight misty figures encircled us, each looking exactly like Theneaus. Darius opened his hands and shot a golden ball of fire at one of them (which I didn't even know he could do), but it went right through each of them as Theneaus materialized again right where the shape was before.

The same maniacal laugh resounded around us, giving me chills as his cold voice rang out. "Nice try, but you'll have to do more than that to defeat me."

I leaped forward, slashing at one of the figures. My attempt did nothing but make the image come back again, scoffing at me. I tried stabbing each of the images, but it was no use. These dark magic spirits were invincible.

"Catch me if you can," Theneaus taunted, his voice echoing in one side of our ears and out the other. I heard a yelp of pain, and then a scuffling off to the distance. He had my friends. My heart began to pound harder, like a war drum in anxious anticipation.

"You better hurry, my dear," the voice came again. "Your little acquaintances won't last much longer." With that, I heard a final scream of pain and the sound of a body dropping to the floor.

That was the final blow- they were so much more than acquaintances, and he was not going to lay a single finger without serious consequences on those I cared so much about! Darius and Auriol were my family. We were a trio, as awkward of a trio you can find but still closely knit, made up of a mortal girl, a nymph, and a somewhat stuck-up nobleman's grandson. And we were going to stay that way.

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