Chapter 2- Into the Woods, Without a Perfectly Good Reason

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Mama, I'm home!" I shouted, closing the front door behind me, which clattered in protest.

"Mama?" I called again, but only silence greeted me. She works during the day to support the two of us and takes night classes at the community college so she can get her degree in nursing. Most of the time it's just me at home. Some nights it gets lonely, but I'm used to it. She gave my life to me, and it wouldn't be fair to ask her to stop doing what she loves to spend a little extra time with her daughter.

I walked into the kitchen and found a little note on the refrigerator.


Had to work late tonight. Pizza's in the fridge. 

Love, Mom.

Taking the note down, I opened the fridge and find that she remembered my favorite type of pizza: Hawaiian pineapple with olives and artichokes. It probably sounds disgusting to most teenagers and pretty much every other person out there, (I know) but like pretty much everything else about me, they haven't tried it to know that it's the unusual combination that makes life the best. Just as I popped it into the microwave (another ancient creature, which I wouldn't be surprised if it was related to my science teacher), I heard the unmistakable sound of a door opening.

"CAMMIE CAMMIE CAMMIE CAMMIE CAMMIE!!!" screamed the voice of my best friend, Julia.


The first impression that Julia gives to everyone who meets her is of a wild, sassy girl who is so stubborn most kids don't dare to cross her. Her free-willed, dirty-blonde curly hair shows an attitude to match, but I know that she'll never leave my side and is always there when I need her, like now.

Julia skipped into the kitchen, with a wide grin on her face, took one look at me, and said, "Spill."

I told her about my day at school, including the "happening" with Mrs. Meyers displaying her boy band fandom. Julia knows about the "happenings," and wasn't surprised to hear about how Mrs. Meyers displayed her underpants, laughing hysterically along with me as I recreated it over and over again (I should really get an Oscar for this). Her peals of laughter changed to gasps of disgust when she heard about Jessica and her clique, however.

When I finished sharing it all, she pouted.

"See, this is exactly why I wanted to switch schools. I don't see why I have to go to a fancy preparatory school in the city that's an eternity away and not be with my best friend. I could've gone right up to Miss Pretty Little Princess and slapped her in the face. I would love to see the look on her face after I do that!"

"Aww," I said, "I couldn't ask for a better friend than you."

"Promise?" Julia cocked her head, giving me her I-know-what's best-and-you-don't look.


There's a slight silence, but silences never last long when you're with Jules. As if on cue, she says "Now, is that pizza I smell?"

"You bet!" I pulled out a paper plate and served her, remembering the manners that my mom instilled into me at a young age. They have always been important to her, but she never explained why.

We spent the rest of our time together snacking, chatting casually, snacking, watching one of our favorite movies, snacking, and more talking. Oh, and more snacking.

Eventually, Julia had to go back home. Her parents have a strict curfew of nine p.m. and she'd be dead in an instant if she broke it. I wish she were my actual sister so that she would never have to leave me. With being an only child and my mom working days and taking night school, I was used to being alone. Sure, sometimes I even prefer it, but on days like today, I like having someone who knows me better than I even know myself.

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