Chapter 11- More Trouble, But This Time It Isn't From Evil Trees

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The water was freezing cold, like jumping into a swimming pool in the middle of winter. I felt the cold deep within my bones, shocked to my core. When I emerged from the surface of the water, I was completely dry, no doubt from the magic. We had returned exactly to the spot where the tunnels diverged. Each of us was startled, still a little shaken, but intact and alive.

"Is everyone alright?" Darius inquired while Auriol and I nodded our heads in agreement.

"Then let's head back the way we came and settle in for the night." He marched off, leading the way, as usual, towards where our belongings had been abandoned. The two of us were used to it,  and followed along behind him, even though I am sure we were both perfectly capable of finding the way back ourselves. Usually I would challenge his "authority", not content to be led around by a pompous peacock, but he had gained more of my trust in the short time we had spent together. 

 Something happened while in that cave that made us all feel more capable of being ourselves, somehow preparing us for the grave task ahead. Even though Darius and Auriol may not have seen what I had seen, they seemed to know that what we were facing was bigger than the three of us. It was dangerous, life-altering, and we needed all the help we could get to make it through. Getting back the Sacris Ferris, or the Sacred Blade as Theneaus called it, would take everything we had.

We traced our way back to the colorfully lit tunnel with its shining minerals, its beauty not as inspiring as it was before but more haunting and reflective, and we finally made it to where this portion of the adventure began. Some twigs had snagged on Auriol's dress from earlier, which Darius was using to make a small fire. I, however, collapsed onto my satchel as my body decided to give up on me.

SLEEP! it screamed.

ONE MOMENT! I screamed back.

NO, NOW! It retaliated.

I NEED A BLANKET! I yelled back inside of my head.

Fine. My body relented. It waited until I had used my dagger to cut my blanket in half, which had been left in the cave, and curled up into a ball. My eyelids immediately closed.

Upon waking up in the morning, a weak and grey light coming in through the entrance of the cave, the three of us realized we had no food. Which was great. Another problem was that we had no idea where to go, which was also great! All of us were still wiping sleep from our eyes as our stomachs began to grumble when we came to this glum realization. I wished Minora could've packed me some trail mix or something like that, or even some greasy pizza, but I didn't think that their delivery services delivered to other worlds. Maybe if I was stuck here I had a niche business idea. 

Anyways, once we were all ready to go, our meager belongings packed back in our satchels, we all sat down together because we knew that we needed to talk about all that had recently transpired. I was the first to break the awkward silence.

"So, um, I thought that you might want to know that the Bella Torem does not have the Sacris Ferrum and that Theneaus has a lot more going on than we realized. He and his horde of demon creatures are guarding the Sacred Blade someplace secure."

I knew that it was probably a lot of information to digest, but better to get it out first than forget it all and end up dead.

Darius's eyes opened wide with surprise, while Auriol made no facial expression at all.

"I should have known that the Bella Torem were smarter than that. Was this what you saw in the water?" Darius asked.

"Yup," I replied.

The Sacred BladeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon