Chapter 1: A NEW LIFE

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I Jeremy Auns an ordinary office worker have trasmigrate to another world. I was heart broken because my crush dumped me for my bestfriend and drink untill i lost conscious. The only memory i have was a magnificient pocket watch that i found in the middle of the sidewalk and died because i felt a sudden chest pain as if I was stabbed with countless needle and having a hard time breathing and fell into the river. I was shouting asking for help.

"HELP ME! Please somebody. I couldn't swim hence I am drowning. If only I learnt it when I was a kid.FUCK IT!"

I slowly lost my conscious but somehow I saw a light shine bright and whispered something. I don't hear it clearly but I think it something that was really important.

When i open my eyes it was a whole another world revolve around 18 century.He was filled with awe and confusion.He looking around wildly and found himself in a world with different building structure. He was told that an elderly man was the one who save him.

And that is how he came to this world. He was lucky that he was able to establish a cafe in the middle of the town with the help of an elderly man who save him when he was drowning in the river. The elderly man called Granpa Joseph saw him while he was fishing and immediately save him. Granpa Joseph was also the one who helped him to adapt in this world. He also repeatedly remind him to always avoid going outside as much as he can.

"Auns, I don't know where you came from but do not let curiosity take your mind. When the night is red it will be the end". He kept repeated that and I find it sickening.

"I know you think I am crazy but please hold my word high" he sigh."Here this is you pocket watch" Granpa Joseph said

"What ! Where did you find this?" Auns question

"It's in your pocket the day you drown" Granpa answer

"isn't this the pocket watch I saw while I was walking down the street? It surely is! How could I forget such euphoric pocket watch. It had a unique design. I thought I was hallucinating while drunk. It could be a hint why I trasmigrate to this world" he thought.

"YES! It is mine." he said while laughing awkwardly.

"Here you are. I am sorry but I need to leave but please take care of yourself" Granpa Joseph said while trying to holding his tears.

Auns was very grateful to Granpa Joseph for helping him.He also get money to build his new and normal life without he knowing that he is far from that.

After Jeremy transmigrate to this world he always distrubed with a nightmare. He saw a few man wearing a black hood covering their whole body excluded their face and blood splater everywhere. He suspected they did some summoning ritual and it look quiet gruesome.Hence he had a hard time sleeping lately

"Aah this stupid dream again. Can't i just have my sweet and normal new life". He said.

"My cafe has been in a dire situation and will go bankruptcy at any moment if I didn't have any new customers. I know that this is a new shop but why won't they just at least come and see my shop first. I only open it for one month.And here I thought I will have my l dream to became a cafe owner will accomplish".

"However why did I think the people here is weird. They doesnt particularly friendly and always do their own things."

After that he tried to promote his shop by distribute template but the people give him a cold and weird look to him.

After few days, his dream has become much more severe. The place was filled with human body scattered around as if it were ripped apart by some kind of terrible creature. He was also overwhelmed with the disgusting stench coming from them

"WTF is this smell! Don't they bath or wash this place. UGHhh disgusting!. Wait how could I smell something if this is a dream. This is a dream right." He question himself.

He wildly looking around the corner of the room and saw a strange trail of footprint leading away from the bodies,leading toward a dark area of the room. He saw a big shadow of a collosol creature.

A sudden thick smell of blood filled his nostril and he couldn't believe his eyes. What he saw was a massive beast at least seven foot tall on all four legs. It body is sleek and jet black , while it claw and fangs are sharp and bloodstained. It eyes reflect a deep blood red and filled with hatred and hunger.

At the same time he felt a sudden cold and indefferent eyes at his back. When he turn around he saw the man who seem like the one that leading the ritual while mumbling and chanting some sort of words looking at him straight at his eyes.

"AHHhhh! What was that. WTF is happening. I thought it was a dream but that feel hella real.Ahhhh!, my life is already not in order and now what.UGHhh What a mess"

He quickly leave his bed and wash his face and shocked to see a dark shadow trying to strangle him from behind through the mirror. He turned around and see nothing.

"AHHhhh! Now what! Am I hallucinating. Fuck I am losing my mind now." He shouted.

"Now that I think about it, wasn't tomorrow the day that Granpa Joseph told me to avoid going out. Then is that mean I need to close my shop. Nahhh, I not doing that. If I close my shop tomorrow, I will become a beggar that begging for money in the street."

He determined to just open his shop while set aside the Granpa words. Nothing out of ordinary happen aside from the people are muck more harder to see. Only a few people was seen walking along the street. Hence Auns decided to close his shop early as there are no customers. Suddenly someone come inside the cafe.

"welcome to my cafe. What do you want to order my beautiful lady. Auns said"

"Anything special you have today and for your information, I am a MAN" he said while smiling.

"Hahahaha" Auns laughing awkwardly and said I am so sorry."

"It's fine it something that always happen" the beautiful man said

Auns thought he was a women because he had a famine feature, his face is soft and delicate, his lip are full and pink. His hair is longer and silkier than a woman hair, his body shape is more hourglass than masculine. Even that short time Auns could see his manner is much more delicate than any other women he had know before, a perfect image of feminine.

"Here is your coffee.May I ask what is your name sir?Auns said

"Elrand. Elrand Yve. I allowed you to call me that"He said.

"Well I know you already know this but you are so handsome. I am totally jealous. I might look just like a squid beside you." Auns said.

"I'm sorry but what did you just say. I think it the opposite I might be the one that look ugly to compare to you. I really am thinking that I am handsome but I couldn't deny yours." He said.

"Hahahah. It seem that you are also a smooth talker." Auns said while gigling.

"But I speak the truth... never mind".Erland said.

After a few minutes chatting with the man called Elrand,left and Auns decided to wait for a few minutes more to see if there will be a new customers. Somehow Auns felt familiarity with the Erland. As time goes by, there were no people to be seen and he choose to close his shop.

While he close the door he notice the sky is slowly changing colour. It start with subtle changing colour in the hue of the clouds, gradually they become more reddish in tone. As the light begin to slowly changes from blue to red, a sinister shade that cast the entire landscape in an ominous glows.

"Now what the fuck is happening!"

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