Ch.4 Attack on the circus

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Zeck helps Mikey out from his cot.

"Come on boy let's get you out here" Anton Zeck said.

"Who's here ?" Mikey asks.

"Some ninja group called the foot clan lead a man called Ourka Saki" Anton Zeck said.

"The foot ? From Leatherhead's story" Mikey gasps.

"Yeah when I met the foot with Steranko they sold us Leatherhead" Anton Zeck said.

"What does the foot want?" Mikey asks.

"They want you" Anton Zeck replies.

"Why me ?" Mikey asks.

"There's a reason why your daddy left you here. He told Steranko that he wanted you protected from the foot" Anton Zeck explains.

"That's why my father left me here but why does the foot want me ?" Mikey asks.

"Your daddy said you were special he said you had a gift" Anton explains.

"Why didn't he tell me ?" Mikey asks.

"You were too young to know" Anton Zeck said.

"But what's my gift ?" Mikey asks.

"Your father said you could see the glimpse of the future" Anton Zeck said.

"I can ? That's so cool" Mikey said.

"Let's get you far away from the foot" Anton Zeck said.

Zeck begins to lead Mikey out of his dressing room. In the corner of Mikey's eye he sees Steranko talking to imtedating Japanese man with black hair.

"Where's the boy, Steranko?" The man snares.

"I don't know what your talking about" Steranko said nervously.

"The boy that Hamtoe yoish gave to you 10 years ago!" The Japanese man snares.

"Oh that boy ! I.... I um fired him ! Yeah I fired him the boy was bad for business" Steranko lies.

"Lair !" The Japanese man snares as he grabs the shirt collar of Steranko.

"I'm telling you the truth Saki !" Steranko said with fear.

"You will hand over the boy to me or I will kill you" The man known Saki threatens as points a gun at Steranko.

Hearing this Mikey steps forward.

"Leave him alone! If you want me here I am" Mikey shouts.

"Boy stay away it's not safe for you ! You must go!" Steranko shouts concern for Mikey.

"But he wants me and he might kill you" Mikey cries.

"I'll be fine my boy just go get fat away as possible and don't look back" Steranko pleads.

Saki throws Steranko to the ground and approaches Mikey with a sword.

"Your coming with me boy" Saki said as he grabs Mikey's arm.

"No! leave the boy alone" Steranko shouts as he punches Saki in the face.

Saki stumbles back before he takes out a gun and shoots Steranko in the heart.

"Steranko!" Mikey shouts with tears in his eyes as he rushes to Steranko's side.

"Mikey.... my boy... be strong... please" Steranko breathes out before dying in Mikey's arm.

Saki watches as he places a hand on Mikey's shoulder.

"He lived his life boy, now come with me" Saki said.

"You better do as he says Mikey" Xever said as he comes forward.

"Xever you work for this mad man" Mikey asks in shock.

"I do it for the money so I told Saki here you were here" Xever smirks.

Suddenly Shinigami comes in and punches Xever and grabs Mikey away from Saki.

"Let's get you out of here Mikey" Shinigami said.

"Foot ninjas attack !" Saki demands.

Mikey and Shinigami run towards Anton Zeck.

"Go y'all I'll hold them off" Anton Zeck said as he brings out his gun.

"Thanks Zeck" Mikey said.

"Let's get to my horses and will ride out of here" Mikey said.

They approach the stables and get on top of buttercup.

"Giddy up buttercup" Mikey said as he rides to freedom.

They race out side to see Leatherhead beating up foot ninjas.

"Leatherhead! Come with us ! We have an extra horse for you to ride" Mikey shouts.

Leatherhead nods a gets on Mikey's second horse ace.

They ride far from the circus to get somewhere safe.

Tmnt12 human Au: Adventure of a life timeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang