Is it casual?

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Kaylee Shores

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Kaylee Shores

"It's not what it looks like!" I heard Paige say as I was half-asleep. I opened my eyes to see half of the women's basketball team smiling while standing over me and Paige cuddling. God this was embarrassing. It was still dark out.

Paige quickly got up from the couch leaving me laying there as the girls patted her on the back as she walked to the kitchen. Dang they were no better than boys. From what I could see, Paige was blushing like crazy.

I mean we were just full on cuddling on the couch, as "friends." I couldn't really blame them for thinking it was more than that, or was it? I didn't intentionally try to make it seem like a more than friends thing to do.

I guess if you look at it from an outsiders view, I was wearing Paiges clothes, we were sleeping on the couch, and she was playing with my hair. Woah. What did Paige think? Did she think that.... I'm overthinking this.

I do those things with Destiny all the time at home. But this felt, different for some reason. I don't know how to explain it, but it felt like a bigger deal with Paige. I can't grasp the words for how I'm feeling.

Paige was in the kitchen grabbing water while talking to Ice, one of her teammates. Paige's back was turned in my direction. I couldn't tell what her and Ice were saying. Ice was smiling while she nudged Paige a little, like she was teasing her about something. I turned my focus away.

"Hey girl!" Azzi said as she sat down right next to me. There were 3 other girls also sitting down on the couch, all looking right at me for some reason. It was Nika, Kk, Azzi, and Ashley.

"Hey....." I said confused darting my eyes between the 4 girls starring at me. "What's up?" I said still sounding confused. Why were they all looking right at me like they expected me to say something! I had nothing to say?!

"Everything okay?" I said, they were still silent. "Look if this is about what you just walked in on, It's not what it looked like, we are just friends."

But were we? The girls didn't look convinced.

I saw Paiges attention turn over here. She looked at me, I gave her THE LOOK.

"Yeah," Paige cleared her throat, "we were just watching a movie and the time slipped away from us. Nothing more." She sounded annoyed, almost disappointed that I was making her say this. Was she mad at me?

I saw the girls all give each other looks like they weren't believing a thing that she just said.

"Alright whatever you say!" Azzi said. She did not sound convinced. The girls started taking off their shoes and settled down to watch a movie. I got up from the couch and walked over to Paige, who was in the kitchen still sitting on the counter scrolling on Instagram.

I got up onto the counter and sat right next to her.

"The media is going crazy about your game tonight, they love you." I said looking up at her. She didn't look back. Something was definitely up. I couldn't tell if she was mad or upset. I was so bad at reading emotions.

"Yeah." Was all she said. This wasn't like Paige, she was the fun, outgoing, and energetic friend. I didn't know why she was acting like this. She was my friend. She could talk to me about anything.

"Hey is everything okay? You can talk to me, we're friends right?" I said to her, still looking at her. She finally looked at me. Her eyes shifting between mine. She didn't say anything for a second.

"Yeah, friends right," She sounded hurt a little. Did I say something wrong? I didn't want to hurt Paige. I hated seeing her this way, and I couldn't even tell what was wrong, "It's just I feel like I could've done better in the game, thats all." She sounded a little hesitant.

I feel like she was lying but I didn't wanna push her to talk about it. I didn't want to be controlling. I just looked down into my lap and starting fidgeting with my fingers. Paige looked back to her phone.

There was silence between us for a few minutes. The other girls were still on the couch talking and watching the movie. They weren't paying attention to us at all.

I didn't wanna make things between me and Paige weird, so I decided to address something that is probably on both of our minds at the moment. I mean what's the worst that could happen?

"Hey Paige?" I said still looking down at my fingers. I was nervous to bring it up and I don't know why. Paige was my friend, and I shouldn't feel nervous to talk about this with her.

"Yeah?" She said right away. She sounded a hopeful almost for what I was about to say. She looked over at me.

"Are you upset about, you know earlier on the couch?" I said, finally meeting her eyes. She was looking right at me, not breaking eye contact.

"Why would I be upset?"

"I don't know because, after I kinda told you to say something to the girls about us being nothing more than friends, you sounded disappointed. And I can't help but think that maybe you didn't feel that way about it and felt like it was more that?"

Paige looked at me with shock. Oh no this was a bad idea. This was a bad bad bad idea. This was so stupid, why wasn't she saying anything? Could she just say something before I start questioning my entire existence? She was just looking right at me.

Her eyes were darting between my eyes and my lips. Why was Paige looking at my lips. Unless she wanted to you know...

Her eyes were so pretty. They were a light blue. Light blue like the sky on a clear day, they seemed to hold an endless depth as she gazed into me. It was like being drawn into a serene calmness, I felt so safe looking into her.

Suddenly everything around us was quiet. Her lips were a deep pink, I studied the outline with my eyes. Something about Paige, I hadn't felt like this about anyone before. I didn't know what it was. Definitely never anything I felt with Jess. What was going on. The moment was only couple of seconds but it felt like an eternity.

Paige looked like she regained focus and looked away quickly. And so did I.

What was that just then? I looked over at the couch. Nobody had seen what just went on between me and Paige, except for Azzi. As soon as Azzi saw that I noticed her, she darted her eyes to the tv.

"Hey um I think I should get going." I said. I didn't want to go home. Honestly I wanted to stay here on this countertop with Paige for the rest of my life. But I felt like it was awkward after, that.

"Oh what?" Paige sounded, a little sad almost, "I mean, um yeah I guess if you wanted to." She quickly changed her tone. And looked down. I so desperately wanted her to say:

No Kaylee spend the night with me, I want you to stay.

But I knew it was ruined for the night. I got up and realized my car was still at the basketball center. I left it there when Paige drove us here. I think Azzi was listening because she quickly jumped in.

"Kaylee how are you going to get home? Your car wasn't here when we arrived." Azzi said. Thank you Azzi.

"Oh shoot you're right it's at the basketball center still. Would you take me there to get it? Sorry I know it's a big ask." I said so grateful for Azzi at the moment.

"Yeah grab your stuff we can leave now if you want." She said.

And I put on my shoes and left.

We walked to her car in silence. Right as I sat down in the passenger seat I remembered I still had on Paiges clothes. I prayed Azzi wouldn't say anything because honestly I wanted to keep them on.

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