Dinner Thoughts

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Paige Bueckers

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Paige Bueckers

It was cool that Kaylee was going to be working on the media team. This meant that I was probably going to be seeing a lot of her. She was really cool and sweet I'm okay with seeing her a lot. Maybe this would give us a chance to get closer.

Azzi was so excited when I told her about Kaylee working on the media team. She was jumping up and down with excitement. I mean yeah it was cool, but was it really THAT exciting? I just think that Azzi wants me to like Kaylee.

"Ohh come on Paige she's a cute girl! She's perfect for you!" She told me as we were getting ready for the dinner. Why didn't Azzi understand that Kaylee was just a friend?

"Azzi she's just a friend chill out." I told her. She looked at me very seriously for a second.

"You're blushing." She said smiling, "YOU'RE BLUSHING!" she came right up to me and started saying it over and over again while tickling me.

"Azzi," I was laughing so hard I could barely talk, "stop it Azzi get off of me!" I said still gigling. She finally stopped and got up to grab her keys.

"Fine. But thank me when you're dating." She said dangling the keys, signaling that we were leaving. I got up and grabbed my bag. Azzi was my number one fan, and I was used to her shipping me with every girl so I shook it off.

I was looking slick. I had my hair down and curled, which Azzi did cause I couldn't curl my hair if my life depended on it. I was wearing green cargos, a white top, and a black open collar shirt.

We arrived at the dinner and it was a pretty fancy place. The table we were to eat at was long and had a lot of chairs. There was a lot of people coming though. Me and Azzi were right on time but seemed to be the last ones there. Azzi went and took a seat next to Destiny. They started talkig right away.

As I watched Azzi sit down I saw her look her eyes towards the empty seat next to Kaylee. Of course Azzi wanted me to sit next to Kaylee. I smiled at Azzi and took my seat next to Kaylee. She looked really nervous to be here.

"Hey Kaylee, how's it going?" I asked her as she turned her head to look at me. When she saw me sitting down she smiled.

"Paige! Hii!!" Completely ignoring my question. She looked around at everyone after getting a glimpse of me.

"Hey don't worry you're going to do great on the media team." I assured her.

"You really think so? I just don't think I'll fit in." She confessed to me. We were inches apart and she was looking right up at me.

"I know so. You're like the coolest girl ever. I'm sure everyone will love you." I told her. She smiled. Damn that smile could light up a whole room.

"Thank you Paige." She said as she gave me a hug. Everyone at the table was talking to one another.

Me and Kaylee talked for awhile and shared some good laughs with the table until our food came out, then we went back to talking just between us.

"Hey practice with me right here." I said to her. She looked at me a little confused.

"What do you mean practice?" She said notching her head a little bit.

"Ask me questions like I just won a game. Like you're interviewing me for real." I said smiling at her and nudging her shoulder. She laughed a bit. And held her fork up to her mouth, like a microphone.

"Paige, on a scale of 1-10 how good are those seared scallops that you're eating?" She laughed at herself then passed the fork to me.

"Oh that's a great question," I said being totally serious like it was a real interview. She was cracking up and I kept going a long with it because I loved seeing her laugh, "I'd probably go 9/10 because honestly they could be a tad bit more flavorful." At this point Kaylee could barely keep the fork up. Her laugh was the cutest.

"Paige, stop oh my gosh." She said trying to calm herself down.

"You have a cute laugh." I said to her. I did not mean to say that. She looked up at me smiling still.

"Thank you Paige." She said looking right at me. I looked away nervously. Across the table was Azzi. Azzi winked at me, and so did Destiny. I looked back at Kaylee to see if she saw, she didn't thankfully.

After a while everyone started saying good bye to each other. It was getting late and we had our game tomorrow so me and Azzi agreed to start heading back to our apartment. I said goodbye to Kaylee.

"Bye Kaylee I had fun tonight." I said looking down at her. She was really pretty, her long brown hair was in a braid going down her back.

"Me too Paige, we should hangout for real one night. You and me." She said a little hesitant. I couldn't tell what she was insinuating. A date? Or just as friends? It was definitely just as friends.

"Yeah for sure. Lemme know when." I said and hugged her goodbye.

"Maybe tomorrow, after your game?" She said.

"Yeah we could do something. Let me know what you wanna do alright?" I said.

"Alright bye Paige!" She said as I walked out with Azzi.

"Bye Kay"

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