Shirley Temples

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Kaylee Shores

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Kaylee Shores

It was 9:00 and me and Destiny were blasting music getting ready for the party. We were gonna be a little late but it was alright.

I was still upset about Jess. She had tried saying sorry 100x times and was still blowing up my phone. Kaylee noticed me looking at the texts and grabbed my phone from me.

"Don't even think about it," she turned Jess's notifications off, "you are done with her! Do you hear me? D.O.N.E! DONE!" her tone made me laugh a little.

"I know I know!" I desperately wanted to text Jess back but I knew better than that. I got up and walked to my mirror. Destiny came up behind me and smiled.

"You're so beautiful Kaylee." She said, i didn't believe it but i didn't argue with her. I did look good though. Better than I normally look. Usually I'm just in sweats and a hoodie.

"Alrighty then our Uber is here, chop chop let's go!" She said, trying to hype me up. This was only my 2nd party in college. At my first one was where I met Jess before she dropped out. I soon realized parties weren't my thing but I got Jess out of it so I was happy.

Honestly fuck Jess. I was going to stop thinking about her tonight, and have fun.

We walked in and it was bumping in there. The place was a bar when you walked in, but in the corner was a door that opened to a stairwell.

"Woah cool" i said to Destiny.

"Obviously you've never been to a club on a college campus before, it isn't all that girl. But I've never been to this one. Apparently this is the really nice one, the person throwing this must have money." Destiny said as we walked down the stairs.

When we got down there it was awesome, and I hate parties. There was loud music and lots of people. There was a little stage with some sort of band playing and people all around holding drinks and laughing. Just your classic club but a little bigger.

We quickly spotted Nika and her teammates at the bar. I recognized 2 of the girls from earlier at Chipotle. But there was more who I guessed were here other teammates.

"OHHHH look who made it!" Nika said. She came and hugged us. She clearly had already had a couple drinks.

Her and Destiny quickly started talking. I sat down awkwardly not talking to anyone. Destiny looked like she was having so much fun with Nika. I was all alone sitting here not talking to anyone.

An hour went by of sitting there scrolling on my phone. Destiny was a lot of drinks in and so was Nika and a few of her teammates. I was scrolling through my camera looking through pictures of me and Jess remembering it was all fake to her. I started tearing up a little bit. Did it really mean nothing to her?

Suddenly someone came and sat down next to me. She was blonde and had a pony tail in. She had on a backwards hat and was wearing cross earrings. She ordered a Shirley temple from the bar tender. Interesting choice.

"A Shirley temple?" I said laughing a bit at this girl. She looked over at me and smiled a bit.

"Yeah what about it?" She said sounding jokingly offended. She had a bit of an accent I couldn't name. Something in the Midwest? She smiled at me.

"Just an interesting choice for a club?" I said smiling at this girl I just met. She was really pretty.

"Don't diss on my Shirley temple!" She said as she grabbed it from the bar tender. I realized my phone was still open to a picture of me and Jess kissing on the Fourth of July. I saw her notice it and i quickly shut off my phone.

"If you don't mind me asking, who's that?" The girl asked me.

"Oh it's my girlfrie...I mean I'm ex girlfriend" She looked at me and quickly got the memo.

"So who are you here with?" She asked me.

"With my cousin Destiny, she's over there with her friend Nika." I said to the girl. And her face lit up a bit.

"Yo that's my girl Nika! I'm Paige by the way" she said. I guess she knew Nika?

"Nice to meet you I'm Kaylee. How do you know Nika?" She looked confused for a second. Like I was already supposed to know the answer to that question.

"Oh um she's just a good friend of mine. Anway why aren't you over there with them? What are you doing over here all alone?" She said smiling at me.

"Umm," I stuttered a bit, "I'm not really friends with Nika, plus I'm not a big drinker." I told Paige.

"Oh yeah I see. They are pretty hammered huh?" She said examining them.

After a while of talking to Paige, I learned she was from Minnesota and it was also her last year at UConn, making us the same age. We actually had really good conversation. She was super funny. I eventually told her about Jess. She was super understanding.

"Do your parents know that you like girls?" She asked me. I didn't know how to answer, cause I didn't wanna trauma dump on this girl I just met.

"Um actually my dad left when I was a baby and my mom died of cancer when I was 6. I lived with Destiny's family, my aunt and uncle." I said kinda quiet.

"damn-oh my- I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked you that." I could tell she felt bad.

"No don't sweat it it's alright. It was awhile ago. Destiny's family is really supportive. They are the best family I could ever ask for." I said.

"Hey um do you wanna get of out here?" Paige asked me.

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