Chapter 5: Welcome To The Dungeon

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Oh well, I guess my life really is over now. I mean, what the hell can I do now? I'm about to live the life of some teenager who has to live his life in the dungeons of the Castle as a criminal who definitely ISN'T a criminal. It's crazy how all of this started because of some stupid portal in the middle of the woods. All of that ended up with me being warped into Herengarr in Xantia, and now I was being framed as a criminal. My phone was stripped from me and now I was set to live out in the dungeon for a month or longer? I'm screwed and it's all over. Looking in front of me was the ladder, the ladder that went ALL the way down and straight into the dungeon, I'm assuming. The guards would begin to talk with each other, but they were completely silent, instead communicating in signs on what to do with me, I guess. One of the guards would grab me and hoist me up as if he were going to Reverse Powerslam me, but instead he would move forwards towards the dungeon. There really was no point in resisting or trying to break free because nothing but negatives would come out of that. If I tried getting off while on the ladder I would probably fall to my death or break my neck. If I tried to escape right now I would either get the shit beat out of me, killed, or given life in the dungeon. Pretty much, I was defenseless and screwed.

The guard carrying me would go down the ladder one-armed with me in tow, and eventually we would make it to the bottom. I have a lot to talk about just the entranceway of this damn place. First, let's talk about the beautiful smell. It was absolutely rancid and putrid. Let me think of an's like a mixture of every dog in the world doodooing at once and smelly guys in P.E. I wanted to get out, but there was no point in doing so. Maybe the smell will numb my nose completely so I don't have to worry about bullshit like this smell anymore, hopefully. It seemed as if the other guard was staying in his position outside, as I was now being transported solo down a flight of stairs by the other guard. Looking around, the walkway was dark and gloomy and for a dungeon I really didn't see any cages housing was this truly a dungeon? Well, where I was right now wasn't the dungeon but instead the entrance. It was a long and rather gloomy walkway dimly lit with torches. I was assuming with the specific walkway and the complete lack of hearing psychopaths and loony men around me I wasn't in the actual dungeon part of the dungeon, there was still some room to go further down. The guard would lead me down a flight of stairs and then down another as we now headed towards the door. That door was the opening to the actual dungeon...and boy was I in for a surprise.

Opening up the door, I would be lead in and right into honestly one of the most shocking dungeons ever. It wasn't gross or grimy, and it wasn't like those dungeons in Berserk that are filled with torture and weird shit. Instead it was...kind of fancy? It was like a damn downstairs bar, just with the addition of cells housing criminals. At the far end of the dungeon was quite literally a setup of multiple tables and barrels filled with likely alcohol. I didn't really question this at all, as I guess this was for the guards or whatever. The guards "on duty" seemed in a partying mood or they were knocked out wow, maybe I really can escape this shithole. The guard restraining me would bring me to an empty cell around the middle of the great, I'm the center of attention. I tried not looking at the other criminals but when I did see a look my fear spiked. None of them were jacked, buff, or scary looking. They looked like prisoners of war. It was as if you could see their bones, like Christian Bale in The Machinist. I didn't hear any crying or screaming...just the sounds of silence. The sounds of men and maybe even women in sheer and utter loneliness, dread, and depression was filled in my ears instead of actual noise I could hear. Was I going to end up like them? Stuck looking like a skeleton while in nothing but a depressive state? Hell...some of these people might just die from this! I couldn't really think properly at all, my brain was in an absolute blur...I really didn't know what to do at all. Making it to my cell, the guard would open the caged door and then essentially shove me into it. I'd lose my balance and fall to the ground, and it felt like I just high-fived mud. But I'll just say wasn't mud. As I focused on the literal shit I just planted my arm into one of accident, I wouldn't be able to realize that the cage door was locked...I was trapped in hell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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