Chapter 2: A Whole New World

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For a moment, everything was just black. It was as if I were asleep. I was absolutely dreaming at the moment, wherever the hell I was. Or was I dead? I really don't know. Suddenly, my vision would be viewable, as I could see everything around me. It was...a fancy restaurant? It really was nice looking, the place. Looking around, all I could see were tables covered in fancy red cloth, people sitting around them, and workers who looked like butlers and maids. One thing I managed to realize is the fact that it seemed like every table only had two people in it. Almost as if they were all on a date. They seemingly also all dressed their best as well, and as I looked down at my body? Well, it seemed like I was still in what I wore before going into the portal. That attire was a Foo Fighters T-Shirt, a standard grey hoodie, and blue jeans. It felt out of the ordinary, but that definitely wasn't the most wild thing there. The weirdest thing was...Jennifer Lawrence, right in front of me. Now, a little fact about me that I hope never gets out to anyone: I have a massive fucking crush on Jennifer Lawrence. After seeing her in movies like X-Men, Silver Linings Playbook, and all the Hunger Games movies, she became my one and only celebrity crush. And there she was, sitting right in front of me. At a complete loss for words at the moment, all I could do was stand there and hear her speak.

"Wake up, Charles Kennedy, you must not fall to Intermenals at this time. Check your phone, look at me, and then check it again." she said, with such soothing words. It was like a motherly kind of voice, something that could calm you, even though the tone was clearly stern. But...what the hell did she mean? Falling to the Interme-whats? All I heard was to check my phone, look at her beautiful eyes, and then check again. I did so, looking at my phone: 6:45 P.M. A normal time, I guess. Then, I would look Jennifer in her eyes yet again. That smile turned into a stern telling me to look down again. Despite how delusional this was, I'd look down and check the time again...

10:24 A.M., I was in a dream.

Right as I realized this, everything would go dark again, for about a second. Then I would wake up...and there, truly, my hell would start. Everything around me was blue and black. It looked as though I were in space, going at Hyperspeed like I was in the Millennium Falcon. Immediately, I took my gaze away from where I was and onto my arms...these pitch black creatures were grasping onto me, and then all of a sudden they would fly off and away from me, a shrill scream coming out from all of them, as I was freed. Were those the things Jennifer Lawrence mentioned? Were they preying on my dreams as if I were Guts from Berserk? I don't really know at all.

I was more worried at the moment about wherever the hell I was, this wild space-looking area. While I was traveling at a near light speed, unable to move my muscles because of the force...I was still alive. I felt a rush of wind and force hit my body, as if I were riding the Velocicoaster, if it were going 10x it's usual speed. I didn't know what the hell was happening...but I was in that stupid portal, and I had no clue what to do. As I soared and soared, I began to panic and worry. What the hell was happening to me? Was I dead, ascending to Heaven or something...or worse, descending to Hell? I didn't know, but I knew it had to be because of that weird portal in the forest! I began to put two-and-two together...realizing what was, possibly, happening. I was slowly being sucked and brought into that portal against my will, and now I'm traveling at an insane speed across the portal and wherever the other portal is...and there were also those weird things Jennifer Lawrence mentioned that were on me...I'm assuming, they made me dream...and were trying to kill me there? I really, REALLY don't know.

Maybe I was just dreaming? Maybe I could do the usual tricks? I couldn't really, though. This force was insane, making me unable to lift my arm up enough to pinch myself...hell, I couldn't do anything physical with my body to cause pain or feeling to wake myself up. And worst of all, I couldn't do the time trick as well. Hell, I couldn't even do the pee trick, where you pee in the dream, but then you wake up realizing you pissed yourself in your sleep. I tried to piss my pants, but I...didn't have to go, a true tragedy.

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