Chapter 3: Dirty Charles Kennedy

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You know, if you time-travelled back to when I woke up today and told me that I was going to be dragged into a portal into a fantasy world that I don't know shit about and was now hogtied and being brought towards a Castle...I would've called you batshit insane and assumed you were taking some hardcore drugs. But really was happening today. On this wild December 16th I was going through the weirdest type of Hell. One where I was sent into a portal, went on a date with Jennifer Lawrence, and then got warped here...right in Herengarr, smack-dab in Xantia. But here I was unable to kick and struggle my way out of this brutal situation...and closer to the Castle I was being brought to. The things I saw were all very interesting on my way here. To my right I saw a very interesting and creepy looked like a damn Graveyard. The gates were stained black, spikes at the top either for visual effect or for defense. All of the tombstones and burial areas looked the same, but I couldn't see much of the Graveyard mainly because how long it kept going. It was definitely a HUGE area, but I didn't have to worry about looking for it because currently I was getting carried away from it. Eventually we made it even closer to the Castle, as we were now right across from it. Looking at it close-up was...immaculate, absolutely magnificent. All I could see was just the wall, but even it was incredible looking. The wall was absolutely huge...tall as hell and likely thick as hell too. There was separation between the castle and where we currently were, and it was a stream of water, all of it from the lake where I originally teleported into. Then I would turn my head to the right, seeing an absolutely HUGE background. Directly in front of me was something that was like a shopping center. A plethora of stands set up across the area, with some people shopping there. All of the people looked really weird...all of their attires looking straight out of a South Dakota Renaissance Fair. Compare that to me in my dirtied-up hoodie and blue jeans and I looked completely out of the blue. It's already dawned on me that I'm in another world, another now I'm used to it, or well...slowly getting used to it all. I still had to find a way to get out of this shithole though...but how? As of right now I'm trapped though, hogtied and being sent to "the throne", whatever that means.

Myself and the men who captured me now arrived at the main entrance of the Castle. To find a way to get past the stream of water, there was a standard and small bridge. In order to get in, I'm assuming legally, you had to pass through that bridge. At the end of the bridge though were two men in medium-sized armor. Their heads were covered in steel helmet, the rest of their body decked in chainmail. The man to the right of me would look to speak first, and that's when I had to pay close attention to what he would say.

"Halt! State your business at once, men!" the man said, as the two showed off how well their security was here at the entrance. With me being held up by four men, one of them would cup their hand over my mouth so I couldn't speak, as the older man and leader of the group would begin to speak. "We 'ave a troublemakin' magician captured. 'E caused a lot of ruckus and 'as some mysterious stuff we feel the throne would like t'see!" the older man boldly claimed. Man, I hate having lies told about me and then I can't even say shit. I wish I could pry this idiots arm off, but I just couldn't. But me, a troublemaking magician? I caused ruckus, sure, but on accident! And why did "the throne" feel so threatening? I tried to speak, but this mans slimy hand that's probably touched his cousin way too much was shutting me off from speaking, damn!

"Speaking or even being recognized by the throne is a heavy honor! For all we could have known, you just hogtied some random child up to see the throne or get attention! State your evidence!" now said the man from the left. Man...I just wish I could speak! If I wasn't being shut off from speaking I would try and state my case well, but I think I might have one-upped these old douchebags! What crystal-clear evidence did they have that could warrant the thrones attention? None, I say! Then again...we aren't in the real world, so they may view good evidence as just here-say, at this rate. Dreading the result, sweat would be running down my face as the leader of the group presented them phone. Those bastards took my phone when they originally beat the hell out of me, and that evidence? Yeah, it might be good enough! Nobody knows what a phone is here, from what I've gathered, so this could be TERRIBLE. The two men seemed confused as to what my phone could be, as the man from the left would grab it and begin to examine it. Thankfully he had gloves on so it didn't turn on, so for the most part it was just a blank screen.

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