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The North, Winterfell – 124 AC

Losing my wife and second son at the birthing bed was a blow I never thought I'd recover from. The pain of their passing was like a relentless storm, battering at the walls of my heart until I felt like I would crumble beneath the weight of it all. But just when I thought I couldn't bear it any longer, fate intervened in the form of Lord Corlys and Ser Laenor Velaryon.

Meeting them was like a breath of fresh air, a ray of sunlight breaking through the clouds of despair that had consumed me. Their energy and determination were infectious, inspiring me to rise from the ashes of my grief and reclaim my vigor as Lord of Winterfell. With their support and the influx of people sent north by the Black Faction's ally, the White Worm, and House Velaryon, I set about rebuilding the North, brick by brick. Villages and seats sprang up across the land, breathing new life into the once desolate landscape.

With House Velaryon and House Manderly's support, we fortified the western coast against Ironborn raids, strengthening our defenses and ensuring the safety of our people. And when it came time to reward my brother and nephews for their loyalty and service, I knew just what to do. I granted them Sea Dragon Point, a land rich in resources and opportunity, and appointed Bennard as Commander of the Western Northern Fleet. House Mormont will be at their side as their second in command.

My brother, now known as Bennard Seastark, embraced his new role with vigor, pouring his heart and soul into the task of building his own house. Bennard chose House Seastark's words wisely, "Ever Anchored, Ever Bold". The banner was a grey anchor with its chain coiled around it, set against a backdrop of deep blue waves. I found it amusing that he made no mention to House Stark beyond the grey color of the anchor, Bennard had grown into quite the independent man. Our parents would have been so proud of him. As proud as I felt.

Wintertown also underwent a transformation, blossoming into a vibrant hub of activity and life. Inspired by the traditions of the South, we introduced festivals to our lands, breathing new life into our ancient customs. But we didn't simply mimic the tourneys of the South. Instead, we created something uniquely Northern: the Winter and Summer Solstice Festivals. Held bi-annually, these celebrations brought together people from all across the North, uniting us in joy and camaraderie.

The festivals were a sight to behold, with colorful stands lining the streets, offering everything from hearty Northern fare to exotic delicacies from distant lands. Archery and horse racing competitions added an element of excitement, drawing crowds eager to witness the skill and bravery of our people.

In just two years, the festivals became the highlight of the Northern calendar, eagerly anticipated by all. And as I watched the laughter and merriment of our people, I felt a swell of pride in my chest. We had created something special, something that brought us together as a community, despite the challenges we faced. With each passing festival, the bonds between our people grew stronger, forging a unity that would withstand even the harshest of winters.

Inspired by Lord Corlys's example, I embarked on a mission to bring education to the smallfolk of the North. Together with other Northern lords and ladies, we established learning institutes in villages and towns across our lands, offering opportunities for the common folk to learn and grow.

At first, there were doubts and uncertainties. Some questioned the value of educating the smallfolk, arguing that it was a waste of resources. But as time passed, we began to see the impact of our efforts. The smallfolk became more skilled in trade and commerce, their newfound knowledge opening doors to opportunities they had never dreamed possible.

With their newfound skills, they were able to generate more revenue, boosting trade and increasing tax revenues for the lords and ladies of the North. What was once seen as an expense soon proved to be a wise investment, as the coin spent in the learning institutes returned to us tenfold.

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