II Alicent's P.O.V

808 47 5

King's Landing, The Red Keep – 123 AC

This year has been nothing short of a nightmare for me. First off, Rhaenyra and Laenor's Royal Progress seemed to be going off without a hitch. Everywhere they went, they managed to charm the lords and ladies, winning them over to their cause. It was like a slap in the face to see so many rallying to their banner, while we struggled to maintain our own support.

The Riverlands, once a stronghold of neutrality, now seemed firmly in the Blacks' grasp. I couldn't believe it when my father told me the news. It was like a punch to the gut, knowing that so many Houses had pledged their allegiance to Rhaenyra and Laenor. How they managed to sway House Tully, of all houses, to their side was beyond me, and it gnawed at me like a festering wound.

I couldn't shake the feeling of frustration and helplessness that consumed me. It seemed like no matter what we did, the Blacks always managed to come out on top. Their success only served to highlight our own failures, and it felt like we were fighting a losing battle. As I stewed in my thoughts, I couldn't help but feel a sense of desperation creeping in. We needed to turn the tide, to regain the upper hand before it was too late. But with each passing day, it seemed like our chances slipped further and further away.

I knew that we couldn't afford to let our emotions get the best of us, but it was hard not to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the situation. On top of everything else, the pressure from my family in Old Town was starting to weigh on me like a lead weight. At first, they had been nothing but proud of me, boasting about my accomplishments in King's Landing. After all, I had given birth to four healthy, pure Targaryen-looking children for the king, three of them sons! It was a feat that few could match, and it had brought honor and prestige to our family name.

Not only that, but I had also used my influence to spread our family's wealth and power throughout King's Landing. By donating generously to the Faith for their charitable work, I had ingratiated myself with the influential figures of the city, further solidifying our position at court.

But perhaps my most significant achievement had been in spreading the truth about Rhaenyra. For too long, she had hidden behind a facade of innocence, while her true nature remained hidden from the court. But I was determined to expose her for the wanton whore that she truly was, to reveal her sons as nothing more than bastards born of lust and deceit.

Yet despite my best efforts, control of the Red Keep had slipped through my fingers and fallen into the hands of the Blacks. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that our enemies now held sway over the very heart of our power. I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and resentment building within me. I had done everything in my power to secure my family's position, to ensure our legacy endured for generations to come. And yet, it seemed like all my efforts had been for naught, as our enemies continued to gain ground at every turn.

With each passing day, it felt like the world was crumbling around me, and I was powerless to stop it. Larys's death had brought a sense of relief, but it had also robbed me of my most valuable source of information. Without him, I felt adrift, like a ship without a compass, lost in a sea of uncertainty. Even my influence in King's Landing as a whole was diminishing, as Rhaenyra's charities were more popular than mines. Then again that whore didn't do a single thing other than throw coin towards the charities that her mother had painstakingly worked hard on.

And then there was Daemon, that vile beast, who had murdered Mellos in cold blood and replaced him with a maester loyal only to him. The Small Council, once a bastion of loyalty to the Greens' cause, was now a shadow of its former self, with only Lord Jasper Wylde remaining steadfast in his support.

To make matters worse, news of my brother's death in Flea Bottom had reached my ears, a cruel blow that left me reeling with grief. And then, just as I was struggling to come to terms with his loss, my father was once again sent away from court, leaving me feeling more alone than ever before. I only had my sword shield by my side, as my loyal companion and confidant.

The Pearl of DriftmarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora