I Aemond's P.O.V

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Stormlands, Storm's End – 119 AC

Girls are annoying. That is an irrefutable fact that no one will ever be able to make me change my mind about it. I have no idea why Aegon has been so obsessed with them lately, they are harpies that I am 100% sure only want to feast on your blood.

Though there are two exceptions to that rule: my sister Helaena and my dear Lucerys. I've only been in Storm's End for a fortnight, and I'm already tempted to feed Lord Borros' daughters to Arrax! Well, not really, considering Arrax is still just a hatchling. Maybe when he's big enough, I'll consider it. As for now, I could always offer Cassandra, Ellyn, and Maris as a snack for Ghost. Not that my Lucy would ever allow it. After all, they're her kin. But I think that if I am convincing enough, maybe my Lucerys will turn a blind eye this time.

It's a shame, really. When Mother told me I'd be accompanying Princess Rhaenys and my Lucerys to the Stormlands, I was ecstatic. I've never ventured beyond the walls of King's Landing before. One of the reasons I yearned for a dragon was the freedom to explore Westeros without any hindrance. So, the opportunity to journey to Storm's End was a dream come true. And what better reason for an adventure than to celebrate the day my Lucerys entered the world!

My mother was adamant about polishing my manners and heeding Princess Rhaenys' instructions. She even assigned Ser Arryk Cargyll to accompany me, pledging his allegiance to be my Sword Shield. It was a comforting thought, knowing that a member of the Kingsguard was sworn to protect me. Ser Erryk Cargyll, his twin, did the same for my dear Lucerys. I couldn't help but grin with satisfaction.

We matched!

Promising to uphold my best behavior, I assured my mother that I'd return with souvenirs for her and Helaena. She rewarded me with a tender kiss on the forehead before sending me off. It was bittersweet, knowing I wouldn't be staying longer, especially with Daeron scheduled to arrive in King's Landing a fortnight later. I've missed my little brother dearly, and the thought of reuniting with him filled me with joy. Well, it does not matter now, I will simply have to see them when I get back from the Stormlands.

Princess Rhaenys went above and beyond to ensure our journey was memorable. She had an entire wardrobe prepared for Lucerys and me, featuring a delightful array of colors—Baratheon Gold, Targaryen Red, Velaryon Teal, and shades of silver to accentuate our attire. Intricate designs of dragons and seahorses adorned the fabric, adding a regal touch that made me feel like a true prince. While I appreciated the effort and craftsmanship of the clothes my mother prepared for me, I couldn't help but yearn for a break from the endless greens I had grown accustomed to. Nevertheless, it was gratifying to finally wear our house's emblem and colors, even if black was notably absent from our garments.

What I liked the most about it was the fact that my Lucerys made sure to match our wardrobe for each special event. Like for the reception banquet in Evenfall Hall, seat of House Tarth. The first stop on our tour through the Stormlands. Lucerys decided that we should both don Velaryon-teal attire, accented with elegant white and silver accessories. As we took our seats at the high table, I couldn't help but bask in the honor and recognition bestowed upon us.

Unlike my father, who seldom acknowledges our existence, Princess Rhaenys treated us with utmost kindness and respect, making us feel valued and appreciated. I might be a prince, but my father rarely pays us any attention or threw banquets in our honor. I do not believe I've exchanged many words with the King. Not that I minded, I have my mother, my sister, my Arrax, and my Lucerys, that is all I will ever need.

The night was meant to be a celebration, not just for Princess Rhaenys, but for Lucerys and me as well. Flying on Meleys, spending each day in the company of my dearest Lucerys, and receiving lessons from the skilled dragonrider, Princess Rhaenys—it was a dream come true. What more could a boy ask for?

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