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The whole setup was immaculate. I guess I didn't have references to set my expectations on, though one foot in the venue and I was blown away. Each corner was designed to perfection, from the chairs set up by the tables, to the decors by the side tables catering various of delicious treats and appetisers for the numerous guests strolling about. The classical music penetrating through the two large speakers up front sets a nice, warm and expensive mood, I'll admit.

I do kind of feel out of place, I must say. The last time I attended something so formal, I downed a poisoned drink and met something as mythical as a moon goddess. I was intimidated by the people — seeing as they are a lot older than I am, and much more posh, walking with vast confidence oozing from every step they make — and I found myself hovering around the edges of the room, sipping some fancy looking cocktail that tastes bit too strong for my liking.

Still, I lingered, waiting. Waiting for Tsiamo, honestly, since he had changed his mind and said he would honour my plus-one invite and make an appearance to support me. However, not only did I manage to get here by means of ubering, Tsiamo's phone seemed to be off, because every time I tried calling, it would go to his mailbox.

Am I surprised? No. Should have known he wouldn't honour the invite, but I had hope. I had some sort of baseless hope that he would show up and... I don't know, make the night better. Less lonely. Make me look less like an introvert, of which I guess I am, but seem like somebody old enough to attend such, with the accompany of somebody who could fit in very well in such events.

Then came a time when some neat-looking man stood up front, tapping a microphone and beckoning the guests to have their seat. Many people manoeuvred to their designated placement, as did I, and I wasn't surprised to find myself seated next to Reid, who seemed to have a lot to say the second we settled in our seat. On my left was an empty chair, the one Tsiamo was to honour.

The man, of whom I found was the organiser of the event, introduced himself, the companies present and the purpose of the formal event. After a couple of odd minutes, he then gracefully called servants to place expensive looking dishes before each and every one of us, allowing us to dine. Yes, the food tasted like a rich person's every day meal, and I made sure not to waste even a drop of the sauce — which may have seemed a bit... off, considering many people still had a few items on their plates but looked far too satisfied with the little portions they downed.

"People this wealthy don't finish their food. It makes them seem greedy." That was something Redi had informed me, when the main course came along.

Halfway through the dessert (some jelly substance with a chocolate cake of sort, along with various of sauces), my phone had pinged to indicate a new message. I was not to surprised, yet again, so see that it was from Tsiamo, saying he had car issues and his phone had died, but that he would come to the event. I had replied saying he shouldn't bother, as the event would likely come to an end soon, though he said he wanted to still rock up to show his support, and I have not responded since.

This all had to have been just over thirty minutes ago. As of right now, we're still seated at our designated seatings, and a dark skinned, handsome but old looking man is up front, giving his speech. He doesn't grab much of my attention, so I am in and out of thought as he goes on speaking to the crowd. My attention towards him is shared with the third plate of dessert.

"But, as you all know—" I shift back to listening to him, "—this year marks the tenth year that Rossi family began their company, a technological and agricultural company that has long stretched its arms interntaionally. Yes, internationally." People applaud in astonishment; the guests are proud as much as they are impressed. The older gentleman up front even grins and winks at somebody in the crowd. "Considering it is their decade celebration, they have decided they would grow, connect with neighbouring companies to become bigger, better. Greater than before. They have reached for the sky, but the stars have now become their ultimate goal. We are honoured and pleased to inform you all that TerraRossi Incorp is now in business alignment with Quantum-Techno Corporations."

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