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We both stand in silence. Me by the front door and him by the small living room. He had his chance to glance around so I take my opportunity to do the same. Partially because I'm filled with confusion — my heart is racing deep within — as to how he found every temerity to get into a private property that is, the comfort of my apartment.

I'm also glancing around because I can't seem to meet the intense gaze of his.

"I'm sorry for... showing up unannounced."

"This is breaking and entering, if you're not aware." I mutter, slowly entering the kitchen and placing my bag (and the container with leftover that Zikhona packed for me, bless her precious heart because I wasn't going to cook tonight) on the counter top. "How did you get in?"

"Your window was open." He randomly points. "Your bedroom window."

Oh, this boy. My jaw drops. "You were in my bedroom?"

He is silent for the first few seconds; though, he occupies himself by running his hand through his hearing in the front, momentarily revealing his forehead. "Yeah..."

Secondly, and most importantly, the mere fact that my apartment is about three stories up, I should be well over concerned about the logistics behind him managing to climb up and into my room. Of course, I'm fully aware of his abilities as a shape shifter, but he doesn't know that, which should alert and create some sort of confusion between us, all the more.

As to how he knew which was my room, I'm pretty sure he just smelt my scent.


"I know, I know. You don't know me like that, I don't know you like that, this is trespassing. I'm sorry. I just... happened to be taking a walk and I found myself here."

"In my apartment?"

"Something... like that. Okay, maybe it's as bad as it seems."

I push on. "My apartment isn't ground level. How did you get in?"

There's that hesitation. To tell the truth or not to tell the truth, that's what I'm assuming he's thinking. With the way he shrugs, lips moving but not a word is heard in the space between us, and the way his hand moves about for a few seconds before he lowers both to his thighs and rubs them — with anxiousness. I'm detecting it.

"I... climbed? It wasn't that hard, really."

So, I hum. "I guess I'm not safe here."

"No, no. Trust me. You're safe." He takes a step closest towards my stagnant being. "I just... found a creative way to do it. I'm a good climber."

I don't doubt.

I pout momentarily, taking the time to analyse him just a bit before I shift my gaze around once more. "Well, can I help you?"

"Yeah. Well, no. Kind of, actually, but not really, at the same time."

He's spewing a bunch of words that don't make sense altogether. In doing so, he slowly walks to the space I'm in, then sits on one of the two stools. Micah then rests his elbows against the counter top, taps his fingers against the marble with rhythm.

"You broke into my apartment to, what, hang out?"

"Frankly." So, with eyebrows raised and head tilted, I stare at him. "I know it's random."

I have to squint, and I have to play the confusion card. "How did you even get here? Or know it's my apartment?"

"I just knew. I was taking a stroll, and I'm sure you've noticed you live quite close to the woods, so yeah. I was taking a walk and... I don't know, I just knew to come here."

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