Part 14

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                                      - Lydia -

Maria was putting Lili to bed, so I waited on the couch. She fell asleep about an hour into the movie, it was adorable. I was now left with the world's fluffiest blanket. I tugged it around me tighter and smiled, tucking my face into it.

I heard the door shut in the distance and sat myself up. I probably looked a bit silly wrapped up like this. I pulled the blanket of my head before Maria entered.

God she was so beautiful, she had changed. Of course she wore beautiful silk pyjamas. It hugged her in all the right places. Not that I was looking.

'Hey, do you want to borrow something to get a little more, comfortable?' I heard her speak. I was about to deny, but these jeans were starting to piss me off, they rubbed in all the worst places.

'Uh, I wouldn't mind it no.' I felt myself smile.

'Come with me then.' Her lips parted a little bit as she smiled. God shes so pretty.

I stood, shaking the blanket off myself and putting it back down on the couch and following behind her.

I was trying to be light on my feet as she took me up the stairs, which creaked a little. We passed a door that had coloured , wooden letters on the door, reading 'Lili'. It reminded me of my childhood room to be honest.

We went down the hallway to a big set of double doors. This looked so fancy. She pushed them open to reveal a large open plan bedroom. God it was beautiful. She had a balcony entrance and I quickly tried to catch a look out the window. It's so beautiful here.

I heard a sliding behind me and turned to see Maria walking into a wardrobe. A walk in wardrobe? What else did this place have?

'Come in and pick something.' She gestured at me to follow, my feet moved before I could think. Even if I did think they would have. I'd do anything for her.

I stepped in. It was so spacious, lined with so many clothes. I didn't even know where to start, so I just went to the first end I could see and pushed through the layers of clothes.

I paused on the sight of a red jersey, pulling it back and looking at the back of it. Cruz. Her last name. I pulled it out and held it up. 'Oh you have to tell me the backstory of this!' I grinned as she turned and rolled her eyes.

'I did football as a kid.' She shrugged. 'That was my old jersey.' She chucked and pulled at the sleeve, observing it clearly.

'Aww, that's so cute!' I giggled, putting it back in the clothes rail and I turned surprised to see her cheeks flushed a bit red.

She turned very quickly and pulled out something from the other side of of the wardrobe. Holding it up.

'What about this?' She smiled a little, grinning.

It was a set of sweat pants and a big hoodie. I immediately nodded. God i was a sucker for baggy clothes.

'Alright!' I saw her set them down. 'You get changed in here. I'll meet you down stairs.'

I nodded and headed over to the clothes as the little door clicked shut.

                                - Maria -

I found myself in the kitchen, leaning over the counter. God why did she make me so hot and bothered. I never blushed, not even for Elvis all those years ago. Not once.

I sighed, leaning my head back as I heard a soft voice next to me that made me jump a bit.

'Hey, you okay?' I turned my head. It was her. She looked so perfect. She always did.

'I'm good.' I let myself release a sigh, rubbing my arm.

'You want wine?' I spoke up a little, going into the cupboards to get myself a glass.

'Oh no I have to get home and-' I didn't even think when I interrupted her.

'Stay.' I smiled a little, placing my glass down. She stayed silent a moment and I bit my lip.

'Yeah, okay, I will.' I watched her slowly crack a smile, she's so beautiful.

'So?' I asked hovering a glass in my hand a little.

'I'll have one.' I felt my heart warm when she spoke and I placed her glass next to mine, getting the wine out and pouring it into both glasses carefully. I loved this wine, it was my favourite.

'We can watch another movie, if you want?' I questioned, handing her glass of wine over. I saw her nod a little.

'Why not.' She instead of following me walked her way straight into the living room this time. She was getting comfortable. I liked that.

I followed close behind her, sitting beside her on the couch, picking up the remote and flicking through the movie choices.

'Okay, weird request, but what about The Greatest Showman?' I heard her ask, that made me chuckle. She never seemed like the musical type.

'What?!' She questioned with a laugh, sipping her wine. I mimicked the movement, sipping mine before speaking.

'Nothing, you just don't strike me as the musical type.' I smirked and she did a fake loud gasp, placing her hand over her heart.

'How absolutely dare you! I've loved musicals since I was 6 years of age.' She grinned widely, her sarcastic tone prominent. I loved her theatrics, I could watch them all day.

I flicked the remote and started typing it in, playing it when it came up. She sighed a little and settled into the couch, sipping her wine. However , she now did what I did last and grabbed the blanket over her knees and wrapped it over both of us, bringing herself close. She brushed the hair from her eyes as she looked into mine.

I watched her gaze turn back to the tv and I wanted so badly to reach out and pull her back to face me. But I didn't. I let the sounds of her humming to the first song soothe me as she leant into me.

This felt so..different. I did things like this with Elvis, before Lili, but it all felt so forced with him. So happy and smiley. But with her, we weren't smiling, we were just....content with this moment.

My mind trailed off as I sipped the wine, letting it fall from my lips down my throat. Savouring the taste. Was this taste real? Was any of this real? Was it just all the dream teenage me prayed on?

I sighed, I felt her head perk up off my shoulder. I turned to see her staring at me.

'What's wrong?' I heard her voice come out relatively a whisper. As if we were in a theatre.

'Nothing, I'm just convinced this is all a dream.' I sighed, telling her the truth, or rather blurting it out.

'Maybe this will help you check..' she mumbled as she crawled further on top of me, cupping my face as I felt her lips meet mine. The same sweet lips I tasted weeks ago. It was so addictive.

I kissed her back, holding her onto me, sighing as we parted again, but kept her on me, hugging into her, leaning more into the couch corner. So she could then lay down. Which she did. She nuzzled her head into my chest and I let out a sigh.

'It did..and it's not a dream..' I mumbled as I heard her soft chuckle, feeling her breath slightly creep up my neck.

'You're my dream..' I heard her whisper before she turned her head to face the tv and focus on it.

This was all too good to be true.


Yeah this is definitely not spell checked...


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