Part 5

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                                     - Lydia -

3 hours. I had been here, 3 hours. Meredith had told me specifically that we were only going in for an hour max. But here I was, awkwardly playing with my crappy paper straw sat with strangers. Everyone seemed happy though, other than Maria. She looked pissed.

If I showed my emotions on my face, I'd probably look the same. But I have a feeling we weren't angry for the same reason.

Meredith was now practically attached at the hip to the pretty blonde, who I found out was called Sasha. I had barely spoken to her though, she was mainly chatting with my smitten best friend.

Lara, Maria's other friend, was nice though. She had been chatting about college and jobs and actually Lili for a little while when Maria joined in. She included me in conversations to make it less awkward but now she was chatting with Sasha and Meredith, leaving me and the tall,, woman beside me.

I would have tried to make small talk, but she looked lost in thought, I didn't like interrupting people's thoughts. I had only had 3 drinks, and I surprisingly wasn't a lightweight. I could hold a drink, something I was very proud of.

Maria had only had 2, very low alcohol drinks. But everyone else was lost in the land of drinking and had had about 5. Maria got up without saying anything. I sighed as nobody had noticed and got up to follow.

Just because I wanted to make sure she was okay..not that I cared or anything too much.

She was heading for the firedoor exit and pushed it open, letting in the natural light of the night, a bright white from the street lamps. I held back just a little so she didn't freak out on me.

I peered through the door, just staying close. She pulled out her phone and dialled a number before it ringing as she put it out in front of her. She was putting it on speaker. Fuck. Was I about to hear a private chat?

The sound of a man sounded on the other side. I coudlnt quite hear him but Maria seemed to be asking him a lot of questions. Then I caught on. Lili. She was asking about Lili.

I felt bad being hidden and I slipped outside. She immediately saw me. But then from her phone I heard the sweetest little voice of the girl I knew to be the sunshine of my class.

She sighed and then stared down at her phone with a smile like I wasn't there.

'Hey mama where are you?' I hear the little girl talk. She sounded sleepy. It warmed my heart.

'Just out with Sasha and Lara baby, I'll come home soon, I promise.' She sounded so sincere and happy to talk to her child. Her baby.

'Mateo said my teacher was the-' she was cut off by the boy shouting in the background.

Maria scowled but her eyes lit up at her daughter's little giggles on the other end of the line.

'She is baby, we just bumped into her here.' She spoke sincerely, I appreciated her honesty with her child. You don't see that often in parents.

'Can I talk to her?' Her sweet voice made me smile but I shook my head. Her mother was going to say no. 'Pleaseee?' I could sense her puppy dog eyes through the screen.

Maria sighed but reluctantly nodded to herself. 'Alright baby.' She said with a soft tone before aiming a slight glare at me.

I read that loud and clear 'say anything bad and I kill you.'

                               - Maria -

I held the phone out to this woman, who I did slightly trust more now. She didn't seem like a heavy drinker, she was the only sober with no reason to be. I liked that.

I was only doing this for my baby. Anything for her. She wanted this so she would get it.

'Hey Lili.' I heard her say sweetly down the line.

'Hey ms. Corbyn!' My little baby sounded so excited and I let myself smile at her tone. She sounded so eager.

'I take it your being good for your mamas friend hm?' I watched her smile as she spoke. This definitely was the right job for her. Talking to kids was like her calling in a way.

Why was I admiring her..

'Mhm! He's going to read to me then I'm going to sleep!' She said this in a sing song tone. She never used that tone with me. It made me narrow my eyes but I thought hard a moment. She had something different with this teacher. But I was still her mama.

'Good, rest makes us strong and you need that Lili.' She spoke In suggestive tone to my baby to somewhat convince her.

'I know ms! I'm going to say night night to my mama now..' *she paused* '..she gets sad if I don't.' She whispered to her as if telling a secret like I couldn't hear.

'Okay then, I'll see you next week yeah?' I heard the amusement in her voice as she spoke.

'Yep! Can't wait for painting after school!' I heard her tone sound so excited, so happy and I pressed my lips into a grin, but suppressing it a little.

Maybe I could get used to her, she makes my baby happy.


Hey hey hey! This chapter was a bit shorter but I wanted to get something out before exam stress really hits!

I hope this chapter was okay and we are slowly getting into the good parts!

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