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There are currently very few clues available, and there are many mysteries in the original text that the author has not answered.

In other words, the author wants readers to study it word for word. From the scattered clues buried under his emotional thread, we can find out the true meaning of writing this book.

It is obvious that there are no logical bugs in the original text, and it is fundamentally different from the previous world.

Miao Zhen read the original text all night and picked out only a few key points.

First, according to the direction of the original text, within a week at the latest, a fire will break out in the Butuan tribe. Then, for unknown reasons, there will be a heavy rain in this world.

Regarding the heavy rain, Miao Zhen and the system agreed that it was the result of external intervention.

As for the way and how to intervene, Miao Zhen is still not sure.

If this is a world where someone monitors it in real time to conduct observation experiments. Then the rain and fire might have been caused by those researchers outside.

If it is not an observation experiment, it is just an ecological box. Judging from the world's temperature and humidity, the possibility of spontaneous combustion of cloth balls is not high. The fire was probably set by someone from inside the world. Because the fire was too big and the temperature was too high, the fire extinguishing system was triggered.

There are many people who can set fire to the Bu Tuan tribe. Those who belong to the hostile camp, Fu Tuan and Glass tribe, are likely to be the arsonists.

The second clue shows that the position of the wise tribe is unclear in the original text, and their people only appear once. It was on the Day of God's Punishment that the heroine was caught by the people of the shrine and prepared to sacrifice to the gods. A man from the wise tribe stood up and said that this was never what the gods wanted.

[If this world is really a box, the tribe of wise men living on the edge of the world may have heard or seen what is going on outside. 】The system analyzes the code while typing, 【But what is the use of studying this thing? Our mission is not to discover the truth about the world. 】

Miao Zhen's thoughts were interrupted by it, and he was not angry. He just explained patiently, "The male protagonist wants to destroy the world, and the female protagonist was chosen as a sacrifice. The reason why these two tasks came about is ultimately due to insufficient resources. Humanity Can't survive in this world. Only when the resource problem is solved, human beings no longer need to rely on gods for survival and can be self-sufficient, can human beings have a future. '

'This is a world that is not supposed to support life. Maybe you can see the board and glass if you smash it down for a few days. No matter how much time passes, mankind will never be able to get out of its predicament, and destruction is the only outcome. Donor Qu knows this very well, and so do the people in this world. '

He paused and continued, "So Xiaoseng believes that it is the key to complete the two main tasks." It is to allow human beings to step out of the box and enter the real world. The premise of all this is to see the true face of the world. '

【I understand! ] The system hesitated a little, [Then according to your point of view, the wise tribe should be the key to completing the mission. 】

'Well, in the original text they mentioned that "God never wants this," which means that they probably know what Shen Ming wants, and they may even know what God is. '

Miao Zhen studied the system for a long time and finally had some clues.

The system sighed: [Sure enough, the difficulty has increased and the world has become so complicated. 】

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