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Although the Tietou Kung Fu and the Golden Bell Cover Iron Shirt are compulsory courses for monks in the Shaolin Temple, a small number of monks have skipped those classes.

Miao Zhen is one of them. He also mastered Iron Sand Palm and Iron Arm Kung Fu. In his understanding, offense is the final defense.

As for why the old monk who taught him didn't take good care of him?

Miao Zhen couldn't remember, his memory was intermittent, and he couldn't even remember how he died.

A wine bottle was smashed today. A thought flashed through Miao Zhen's mind before he passed out. Maybe he had been beaten to death with a sap before.

The little policeman who had been lingering at the stairs saw that the kid delivering the wine had not come down for such a long time, so he quickly told the captain the news.

"Do you know which private room he went to?"

The little policeman held down the earphone and whispered: "I don't know, I just know it's the second floor."

The person on the other side thought for a while and then said, "Wait a little longer."

"This bar is so messy, I'm afraid something will happen to him."

"If his whereabouts are exposed, Xiao Liu's death will be in vain!"

As soon as the words came out, the two fell silent at the same time. The young policeman sighed and said, "I gave my gun and ID to my teammates nearby so they wouldn't let them know I was a policeman."

The captain discovered the target. After hearing this, he hurriedly explained a few words and switched the channel.

The young policeman found his teammates, and the two passed things privately. After making sure there was nothing that could reveal his identity, the little policeman went up to the second floor.

Miao Zhen was woken up by the system. It was a civilized system. He was so frightened by the violent scene that he cried.

When Miao Zhen woke up, it was crying and nailing the coffin boards for the villain.

'Five donors, the young monk is still alive. Miao Zhen comforted him.

[After a while you commit suicide, there must be a place to collect the body. 】The system cried.

'Why did the young monk commit suicide? '

[Don't you monks value innocence very much? 】

Hearing what it said, Miao Zhen almost thought that everything was done.

The system hiccupped: [I guess it's still a minute or two before it blooms. After they finish taking photos and showing off the buyer's show, it will almost be your turn to bloom. 】

Miao Zhen looked away from Chu Siyao's face, turned around and saw six mobile phones facing him, taking pictures.

Miao Zhen subconsciously showed a professional smile. The men who took the photo had never seen such a situation before, and they were all stunned.

After seeing the situation clearly, Miao Zhen finally understood what the situation was.

After he fell unconscious, these men briefly treated his head wounds.

Not long after wrapping it up and preparing to take pictures to share with friends, Miao Zhen woke up.

The man who had rubbed hands with him came over, hugged him and struck a pose.

Another man took a picture of him and said, "Little classmate, smile and my uncle will give you a hundred."

Miao Zhen nodded obediently, "Give me another five hundred, and I'll give it to you."

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