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[Monster card details: When the character's sin value is too high, a monster card will be generated. The user will obtain corresponding card skills. Duration 10 minutes. The skills obtained are based on the card character based on the generation, and the strength depends on the character's strength. The order from strong to weak is, S, A, B, C. 】

[Monster card·Villain·B: from the hidden figure Li Renqi. 】

[Using the card you will get: 1. Friendly friends. You can easily gain the favor of other morally corrupt people. The favor will not disappear just because the card effect disappears. 2. Mature and reliable - you will easily gain the favor of minors. The favorability will not disappear because the card effect disappears, but will decrease due to your behavior. 】

The first two times that came out were spell cards, and this was the first time Miao Zhen encountered a monster card.

In his opinion, Li Renqi has done many evil things, but his card judgment is only B grade.

He asked out his doubts, systematically sorted out the standing paintings and said casually: [The number of people he has harmed has not exceeded a hundred, so his rating will definitely not be high. And he knew that everything he did was bad, and he only did evil for money. 】

'Then what kind of evil person can achieve an S rating? '

[I don't know, but it probably harms tens of millions of people, and I feel happy about it. 】

Miao Zhen twirled the beads and said, "What the five donors said didn't sound like a human being, but rather like an evil ghost." '

He put away the cards and sighed: "Xiao Monk hopes that this is the last monster card that Xiao Monk will receive." '

This time, two experienced police officers interrogated Brother Li and successfully pried his mouth open.

Before this, everyone thought that the police officer who died was killed by drug dealers. It was not until Brother Li was caught that they knew what happened.

They called the criminal police team and not long after, the middle-aged captain and police officer Xiao Li came to take Brother Li away for further investigation.

The two detectives were in a bad mood. Li greeted Miao Zhen listlessly. When he looked at Brother Li, his eyes were so fierce that he wanted to skin him alive.

Seeing their reactions, I think it won't be long before Brother Li gets permanent residency in the prison.

However, Miao Zhen felt that the chance of the death penalty at first trial was still higher.

In the middle of the night, Su Chengye rushed to the police station and took Miao Zhen away.

Maybe he was too tired. After returning home, Su Chengye quickly washed up and climbed into bed.

Seeing Miao Zhen still waiting to be scolded by the bed, Su Chengye pulled him down and said, "Staying up late is not good for your health. I will discuss it with you in detail tomorrow morning."

As a result, Su Chengye ran away early the next morning.

Miao Zhen was left with a sandwich and a black man.

This time he did not run out of the map boundary. Looking at the route, his destination should be the police station.

Being called out early in the morning to help look after the children, Hei Dazhuang felt deeply resentful.

He bit into the sandwich and stared directly at Miao Zhen.

Miao Zhen ate slowly as usual. Hei Dazhuang glanced at it and said, "Why is your sandwich completely vegetarian?"

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