Kid Icarus: Tales From Above: Episode Three: Palutena's Dinner Party

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Palutena: Pit, checklist please!

Pit: Got it, Lady Palutena! [He pulled out a checklist and a pen. He, Palutena, and Dark Pit were getting ready for a dinner party with the Forces of Nature, Magnus, and Pyrrhon] Alright! Tablecloth!

Palutena: Check!

Pit: Silverware!

Palutena: Check!

Pit: Clean temple!

Palutena: Check!

Pit: Guests!

Palutena: They should be here any minute now!

Pit: Dinner!

Palutena: Everyone is bringing something of their own! I'm gonna start making dinner shortly!

Palutena: Everyone is bringing something of their own! I'm gonna start making dinner shortly!

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Dark Pit: Uh... Are you sure it's a good idea for you to be making dinner, Palutena?

Palutena: What do you mean, Dark Pit?

Dark Pit: Every time you try to make dinner, things end up going... haywire...

Palutena: Oh, Dark Pit! You shouldn't focus on the past! I assure you that nothing's gonna go wrong this time!

Dark Pit: We'll see about that...

Palutena: Besides, I kinda made a bet with Viridi that if I could make dinner without having anything explode, she would have to give her a spa day, and the other way around...

Dark Pit: Of course you did...

Pit: I can't wait for the dinner party! There's gonna be delicious food, good friends, and best of all, Phosphora's gonna be here!

Palutena: Oh yeah! You have feelings for her, right?

Pit: [He blushed] Umm... Well... She's a very good friend... That's what I mean!

Palutena: Is that it? Because I remember you telling me one time that--

Pit: LADY PALUTENA!!!! [Both Dark Pit and Palutena laughed at Pit's embarrassment]

Pit: LADY PALUTENA!!!! [Both Dark Pit and Palutena laughed at Pit's embarrassment]

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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