#22: Fate's reunion

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"The next morning, Aarohi was so confused, like, why she reacted like that yesterday? That man who was in the operating theatre was just a patient for her and nothing else. So, she just said to herself, 'Be strong, Aarohi, and you can do it. Just act like a doctor. No need to merge your personal and professional life.'

She got ready, went to the hospital, and as she was in her fourth year, there were fewer classes and more patients to watch. She was just about to begin her routine checkup for the patient when Jiya came and asked her, 'What happened to you yesterday, huh? Why were you behaving like that?' But Aarohi said, 'I don't know, I just wasn't feeling good.' And Jiya said, 'Don't lie, I know you, okay? I've known you for the last four years. You're not like this. You love treating patients. And yesterday, you were just shaking. Your whole body was shaking after coming out of the operating theatre. What happened to you?' But Aarohi didn't say anything and continued checking on her patient.

The patient was an old man who had been admitted to the hospital about a week ago, and he only wanted to be treated by Aarohi because she treated her patients so patiently. Aarohi asked the patient, 'How are you feeling today, Uncle Malhotra?' And the patient said, 'I am good, Aarohi. I really don't know why they are not letting me go home. I am fine.' And Aarohi said, 'Of course, you are fine. You can go home in two days.' After that, Aarohi and Jiya left for their classes.

On the way to the classes, Aarohi stopped at a room where Rudra had been kept after being treated. She took a glance from the outside, from the mirror on the door, and saw that Rudra was still unconscious. He hadn't opened his eyes since the previous night, but Jiya interrupted her and said, 'He is the same patient from yesterday, right?' Jiya said.


do you know who he is?' Jiys asked.


Jiya said, 'You are lying. You don't know him?'

Aarohi felt nervous, wondering how Jiya knew that she knew him. But Aarohi said, 'No, I really don't know him.' And Jiya said, 'You're stupid. He's a cricketer, right? He plays Ranji Trophies or maybe he'll get selected for the IPL team this year.' And he is so handsome and very popular among girls .

Aarohi felt relieved that Jiya was talking about something else, but at the same time, she realized that Rudra had become a cricketer. Then she remembered that he had once told her that he used to play cricket when he was in school and that he loved cricket a lot. But then she thought h , 'Maybe he didn't pass the exam, otherwise he'll be in the fifth year.' And Aarohi realized that if she could pass the exam on the first attempt, she would also be in the fifth year. At the same time, she was thinking, 'Did Rudra's father agree for him to be a cricketer?' All of these thoughts were going through her mind when Jiya said, 'Where did you lose yourself again? Let's go.' And Jiya said, 'I wish he gets well soon. Maybe he won't be able to play the whole year.' And they both left for class."

"At the evening, Aarohi and Jiya were told by the staff member that they both have to do a night shift today.

After hearing this, Jiya said, No, we have already done two night shifts this week, but Aarohi said, You can't do anything and Jiya said, Yes, and they went to the canteen to have a coffee as they have to wake up almost for the whole night and then when they were going out of the canteen, Aarohi heard two staff members were talking to each other, Aarohi stopped and heard them as she heard the name of Rudra, she heard that one of them saying, You know that patient from last night , he is still so serious, the doctor said if he didn't wake up in 12 hours, there will be no chance for him to came back to life and this made Aarohi's coffee drop from his hand after hearing this .

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