#20: the last day

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Aarohi's pov

"I can't believe this. It's almost the end  for our session. It feels like just yesterday when I came here and met Rudra, I made a lot of friends. This whole year has been amazing. After Diwali, so many things happened. We celebrated our New Year for the first time together. It was a party on campus that day, and I caught him smoking a cigarette with some of his friends. I got so angry at him, but  he promised, he won't do that again. Of course, he knows how to make up with me when I'm angry. So, that works. I can't get angry with him too many times. He behaves so cute with me. I can't believe that he used to be a bit of a playboy in his past. He seems to be so much in love with me. Of course, I am too.

In February, on my birthday, when he found out that I love reading books, he gifted me a book and  he promised to gift me two gifts every year on my birthday. The first one is fixed; he'll gift me an original copy of a book signed by its author. And the second one, he'll decide. And I said, okay. Honestly, I don't need any other gift when it comes to books. I like reading. And obviously, for a reader, if the book is signed by its author, I can't be happier than that.

"We spend so much time together? Last month, we went shopping, and I gifted him a perfume. He said he's going to use that brand for his whole life. I mean, that's ridiculous. How can someone use the same perfume for their whole life? I change mine every time the bottle is empty; I try a new brand. But he's stubborn; he can do anything.

"He also gave me the keys to the staircase for his flat. When I said I didn't need them, he just said, 'In case I'm not at my place and you want to come or you want to take something, or leave something over there , you'll need them.' I still said no, but he insisted, 'I want you to have them.' So I just took them."

His birthday is next month, and we won't be together because I'm going to my hometown, and obviously, he's going to his too. We also have a final exam next Sunday. Tomorrow is our last day here on campus, so we all decided to just enjoy our last day here. I'm excited but also feeling sad because I'll miss this place. We have a lot of memories here, especially with Rudra. I really don't want to leave, but I can't stay here. Right now, I just want to study.  I have to do that, i mean to clear the exam, Maybe Rudra can too if he tries, but he's so careless; he just doesn't study many days. He spends time hanging out with friends and sometimes with me.

"I don't know when we'll meet, and I didn't even ask him. But sometimes he just says that he'll come to my place to meet me after the exam. And if we get good marks, we can go to the same medical college, and then we'll be together again. I hope he gets good marks so we can go to the same medical college."


Author's pov

"So today is the last day for all the students of the session in the city as they will leave for their homes tomorrow, and that's why all of them plan to party together. In the morning, Rudra called Aarohi and said he had some work to do, which is why he didn't come to meet her .
He met her directly in the evening. So Aarohi just said okay. But when Aarohi asked what work he had to do, he just said it's some work he'll explain later.

Throughout the day, Aarohi spent time with  Priya, Teju, Myra, and all of them, and none of them knew where Rudra was.

In the evening, all of them got ready for the party on the terrace of Rudra's building, which was the only place that allowed students at night. There was music on the terrace in the evening, and everyone was having a good time.

Aarohi was about to go to the party, finishing his packing as he had to leave  next morning since his father would be there to pick him up. Before that, he finished all the packing.

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