#15: trust

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In a tangle of talk, they lost their way,
Both feeling hurt, with nothing to say.
Yet in the end, they'll clear the air,
And find their love, bright and fair.


Author's pov

It's been a month since Aarohi and Rudra started dating.

Aarohi was getting ready for classes when she received a message from Rudra informing her that he would be late as he needed to drop off his clothes at the laundry. She replied okay and left for class

. Upon arrival, she noticed there were only 5-10 students present, as it was still early. However, she spotted Myra sitting at her usual bench. Approaching her, Aarohi greeted Myra, but Myra only smirked in response.

Aarohi wished to befriend her, as she didn't want to upset Rudra with ongoing conflicts. She sat beside Myra and asked, "Are you planning to sit here in the front seat?" Myra replied, "No, I just came to talk to you."

Aarohi inquired, "Talk to me? About what?" Myra replied, "What do you think? About Rudy? Of course."

Then Aarohi said, "What about Rudra?"
Myra replied, "u know I've known Rudy for more than 10 years. I've seen him in every relationship, and they all end within a month or two.

Do you really think he'll stay with you forever? No. Don't worry; he'll leave you soon. I know him."

This upset Aarohi, and she said, "Just stop and leave."

However, Myra persisted, saying, "Don't worry. I don't want anything bad for you. I just want to make you aware. Don't get too attached to him. He'll leave you one day. You're just a girl who isn't attracted to him. That's why he's playing the lover card with you. Don't take it too seriously.

When he gets whatever he wants, he'll leave you. And you know what I mean by 'whatever he wants,' right? You're not that naive."

As they were talking, Rudy arrived. Seeing Aarohi and Myra sitting together, he approached them and remarked, "Oh, you're sitting together? And you left me alone?"

Myra responded, "No, how could I leave you alone, my dear best friend? Let's find a seat." Rudra agreed, and as he glanced at Aarohi, she forced a smile in return.

Throughout the entire class, Aarohi couldn't focus on her studies. She kept thinking about whether she can truly trust Rudra.amd the she thought
"Of course, i trusts him, but Myra seems to know her better than she knows herself. What if...? No, no, no, it will never happen. He loves me and i trusts him completely on that".

After class, Rudra suggested going to the canteen, but Aarohi declined, saying she wasn't hungry and wanted to rest in her room as she felt tired. When Rudra offered to accompany her, she politely refused, insisting that he go ahead and have lunch while she went alone. Despite Rudra's insistence, Aarohi remained firm and left for her room alone.

So, Rudra, Myra,priya and Teju headed to the canteen. During lunch, Myra noticed Teju staring at Priya the whole time. After Priya left,  Myra asked Teju why he was staring at Priya. Teju denied any romantic interest, claiming Priya was just a friend. Rudra teased him about having just a friend, to which Teju shyly smiled.

In the evening, Rudra tried calling Aarohi several times, but she didn't answer. When she finally picked up, he asked if she was coming to the library. Aarohi said it had slipped her mind but  said she'll be there in 10 minutes.

Rudra waited for her outside the library, Bring the whole time a arrow.Just looking like he's then there is something going in a mind.And even when rupey ask she didn't say anything. she said nothing happened.

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