𝐱𝐥𝐢𝐱. a sad ending

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❪    in real life    ❫

✧˖*°࿐   CHAPTER FOURTY NINE!❪    in real life    ❫

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ISABEL SIGHED HEAVILY AS A SOBBING GABBIE COLLAPSED INTO HER OPEN ARMS. The girls entire body shook with each devastating cry. She buried her face in Isabel's shoulder, hoping that she could go unseen by all of the prying cameras.

This wasn't supposed to be how it all ended.

Isabel tried to stop her own tears from falling, but as she stood comforting Gabbie and watching as Kate and Caitlin hugged each other, it was no use. They trailed down her face, running onto her neck until the material of her shirt soaked them up.

"We tried so hard, Issie." Gabbie mumbled, her tears also being caught by Isabel's t-shirt. "This isn't fair."

Isabel's words died out in her throat, nothing coming out of her open mouth. She ran her hands up and down Gabbie's back, her body clad in the Iowa jersey for the last time. #24 was no longer Gabbie's number and she would never play with this team again.

Isabel watched in utter envy as the red and black confetti continued to fall from the ceiling—raining onto all of the ecstatic South Carolina players celebrating their win with each other. That should be them. Her girlfriend and best friends should all be happy right now, not crying.

Two more pairs of arms wrapped around the two girls frames. She broke away from Gabbie, as Caitlin pulled Gabbie into her own embrace. Kate smiled sadly at Isabel, pain etched in all of her features.

"I'm sorry, baby," Isabel chocked out, cupping Kate's cheek. Kate only pulled the girl into her chest, breathing in her scent in hopes to find a little bit of peace for the time being.

The couple stood like that for a few more moments before a security guard place a hand on Isabel's back and ushered the two of them towards the tunnel. Kate looked around, confused as to why they were being escorted off the floor. Her eyes locked onto a red faced Caitlin and a furious Lisa Bluder who was currently telling off some random man with a big was camera.

Kate took Isabel's trembling hand into hers, picking up their pace. Caitlin was quick to catch up with the two of them after having to be guarded by two security guards all the way off court. 

"What happened?" Kate asked her.

"Just the media," She said, voice scratchy. "This man almost hit me in the face with his camera trying to question me."

"Was that who Coach was yelling at?" Caitlin nodded, making the three of them crack a small, genuine smile. Lisa could bring a smile to anyone's face, even after losing a Championship.

They entered the locker room, thanking the security guards before closing the door. Everyone in the room was bawling, slowly gathering their things together. It was pretty much silent apart from the sniffles and sobs.

"Guys, let's not hang our heads," Caitlin spoke up, "We got to the championship back to back years, and I'd say that's pretty fucking good. No, neither one of them played out the way we wanted but we can't dwell on that. Focus on the positive."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, besides Jada who was face first on the ground and only let out a miserable groan in response.

Isabel disconnected her and Kate's hands, letting the girl go get changed. She headed over to where Jada was, taking a seat next to her. "Jada, babe, are you alright?"

"No," The girl cried, rolling over onto her back and staring up at the ceiling as the tears continued to pour from her eyes. "You're all leaving me."

Isabel frowned, "Jada, you're going to be fine. Plus, we all have a few months left together." That only made her start sobbing again. Isabel sighed, shaking her head as she gave up on trying to comfort Jada. Instead she sat in the cubby all of her girlfriend's clothes was in, folding them and placing them neatly in her bag so they wouldn't be wrinkled.

A knock on the door caught everyone's attention, Lisa's heading poking in a few seconds later. Her face was splotchy like she had just done gotten crying. If she had, though, she wasn't showing any of that sadness now. Her expression was as loving and sweet as it always was.

"Kate, Caitlin and Gabbie, can yall join me for conference?" She asked, small smile pulling at her lips. The three of them nodded wordlessly, following after her. Kate squeezed Isabel's hand before leaving the room.

The brunette sighed heavily as she looked around the room of sad girls. Usually the locker room was full of energy. Whether it was Jada and Kennise singing or Kylie making vlogs, there was always a positive energy. But not today. Everything felt somber and mellow.

Isabel hoisted Kate's bag over her shoulder, and grabbed her phone and headphones. She exited the locker room, deciding to wait outside the door for Kate to come back.

After a few minutes of scrolling on her phone, she finally saw the girls walking down the hallway. Their heads were down, an occasional sniffle filling the silence in the hall. Kate's eyes lit up as she noticed her girlfriend, jogging ahead of her friends to get to her quicker.

"Grabbed your stuff," Isabel said, holding out Kate bag and electronics to her. "It's pretty depressing in there."

"Yeah," She whispered. Isabel wrapped her arms around Kate's waist, burying her head into the blondes chest. Kate's hands immediately went to the back of Isabel's head, running her fingers through the girls hair. "Thank you."

"For what?" Isabel asked.

Kate shrugged, "Just for being here."

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞,
just a short, sad chapter.
next one is the last one *winks*

anyways... i posted a new kate
story that you should def go
check out!! love ya😁😁😁💗

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