𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. champions

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❪    in real life    &    social media    

✧˖*°࿐   CHAPTER THIRTY EIGHT!❪    in real life    &    social media     ❫

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TWO ARMS WRAPPED AROUND ISABEL'S WAIST FROM BEHIND. She squealed as she was lifted off the ground, immediately knowing whose touch it was. Kate shook her head at the two best friends, rocking back and forth in each other's arms, both smiling uncontrollably.

Kate and Isabel had arrived in Iowa City only twenty minutes ago, and after a quick trip by there apartment for Isabel to grab her extra camera case for her new one, they finally made it to the airport. The second they made it into the parking, Kate had let out a sigh of relief. She was tried of driving and was ready to fall asleep during the plane ride like she usually does.

However, Isabel was full of energy. She had fallen asleep only thirty minutes after they departed Kate's house and had slept for four straight hours. And on the last hour of the drive that she was awake for, she talked Kate's ear off the entire time.

"Please don't ever leave me again," Gabbie said into Isabel's neck, squeezing her tighter.

Isabel laughed, "I was only gone for a week, Gabs." While it didn't seem like it was that much time away from each other, it was definitely the longest the two girls been apart in years.

Kate softly grunted, slinging her girlfriend's heavy bags over her shoulder as she closed the trunk. The noise made Gabbie turn towards her teammate with a large grin. "I would hug you, but you seem to have your hands full."

"Kate, I can get some of those, just set them down," Isabel said, pointing at the ground beside her suitcase. Kate just shook her head, giving Gabbie a tired smile as she began to head towards the plane.

"She ok?"

Isabel nodded, throwing a glance back at Kate from over her shoulder. A sudden pang of guilt flashed in Isabel's chest. Maybe she should've offered to drive so Kate could've slept some, too. "Yeah. Just tired, I guess. She said she was going to sleep on the ride."

Gabbie nodded, hiking her bag that was beginning to fall back up on her shoulder. "So, does that mean you'll be my seat buddy?" Her face light up brightly as she asked the question.

"Duh," Isabel giggled. She wrapped her hand around her rolling suitcase and began to follow after Kate.

"Spill, already," Gabbie rolled her eyes, "What happened with her family? I know it wasn't weird, they all love you."

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