𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐯. personal business

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❪     in real life    /    imessage    

✧˖*°࿐   CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR!❪     in real life    /    imessage     ❫

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KATE BRUSHED ISABEL'S HAIR OUT OF HER FLUSHED FACE, TUCKING IT BEHIND HER EAR. Isabel had fallen asleep half way through the movie they were watching. A bad habit she's always seemed to have. She could not seem to lay down for longer than 30 minutes without falling asleep.

Caitlin was also asleep in her bed next to them. She had arrived back from an early shooting practice with Raina and fell straight into her bed, not even bothering to fully return Isabel and Kate's greetings. She only mumbled something incoherent and was softly snoring three minutes later.

To occupy herself, Kate decided to scroll through her social media. She was currently on Instagram, liking all the comments her teammates left on her recent post.

As she continued to scroll she got caught in her tracks by a new post uploaded by Allie. It was a picture of her and her friend posing in the new  uniforms the soccer team had gotten recently. The sight of the girl on made her stomach clench in anger. She pulled Isabel in closer to her side.

Kate still couldn't believe that Allie had told Austin what happened that Thursday night. She thought that the girl was a sweet person. After all, she had always talked nicely of Kate's friends—especially Isabel. So why would she tell her ex-boyfriend about their kiss?

Isabel turned, draping her arm lazily across Kate's stomach as she laid her head on her shoulder. Both of them let out a content sigh.

Kate looked at the girl in her arms with pure affection. There was nothing else that could make Kate any happier. She had the girl she'd been pining after for months. Even though they were not yet official, they both knew that they were each others. Plus, it was only a matter of days before Kate would finally ask her.

The two of them were lucky that Isabel had just as much dirt on Austin as he did on her. Not that it would hurt Kate in the slightest if the rumor were to get out. Kate had been open about her sexuality for the past four years; but it was Isabel that she had to worry about. The girl hadn't even figured out her sexuality for herself, much less talked to anyone else about it.

Kate could only hope that Austin had enough decency in him to not out someone's sexuality to the world. Not only was it one of the shittiest things a person could ever do, but it could very possibly have a negative effect on Isabel's mental health. Then she would just be confused and sad.

Just as Kate scrolled past the photo of Allie, (not bothering to give it a like) she got a text message notification. She felt the same anger arise in her stomach again as she realized it was from her.

Hesitantly, she clicked on it. The message sent only further pissed her off.


( allie m. & kate ♥︎  )

1:27 PM

allie m.
hey kate! just wondering
if you're free tonight?

kate ♥︎
no i'm not

allie m.
aw bummer😕
allie m.
julie got tickets to the play
for tonight and she bought
an extra so i was just seeing
if you wanted to go
allie m.
but no biggie maybe next time

kate ♥︎
yeah probably not next time either

allie m.
what do you mean?
allie m.
did i do something wrong?

kate ♥︎
uh yeah.. you did

allie m.
oh i'm sorry
allie m.
what exactly did i do?
i'm so lost?😭

kate ♥︎
i think you know

allie m.
no i really don't kate lol

kate ♥︎
well that's pretty fucking sorry

allie m.
excuse me?
allie m.
what the hell is your deal?
allie m.
can you pls just tell me what
i did to piss you off so bad?

kate ♥︎
how about you stop spreading other
peoples personal business?
kate ♥︎
i don't know if you have some secret
problem with isabel but telling
her EX boyfriend shit that's
clearly private is a bitch move
& you should be embarrassed

allie m.
oh that

kate ♥︎
yes THAT

allie m.
kate im so sorry

kate ♥︎
im not the one you should
be apologizing to allie.

allie m.
i know. i promise i'll apologize
to her too

kate ♥︎
you better.
kate ♥︎
it's just pretty wild to me that
a girl would expose another
girls sexuality like that & then
forget they even did it.

allie m.
i had no clue, really.

kate ♥︎
yeah well assuming isn't
a good thing to do either.

allie m.
you're totally right.
allie m.
look kate i feel really bad. can
i just make it up to you?

kate ♥︎
no thanks

allie m.
not as like a date or anything
allie m.
just as friends. pls.
allie m.
i think we get along really well &
i don't wanna waste a friendship
over a stupid mistake

kate ♥︎

allie m.
yay! when are you free?
ik basketball makes you have
a crazy schedule.

kate ♥︎
kate ♥︎
i can do tomorrow at 2?

allie m.
i'm still at work at 2

kate ♥︎
that's too bad

allie m.
no yk what it's fine
the shop isn't busy on
mondays anyways.
allie m.
so 2 at judi's?

kate ♥︎

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞,
#alliehateclub !!

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