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Jisung got out of the room as Seungmin stares at Hyunjin.

"What the fuck dude? He was supposed to kiss me!" Seungmin argued.

"No thanks. Jisung likes me and thats it." Hyunjin smiled in victory.

"I just know Chan is going to be so mad." Jeongin said as he continues to play the game.

"No, he wont." Hyunjin said as he stood up to leave the room, he wiped his plump wet lips as he rolled his eyes.

He went to Minho's room, standing infront of the older's door. Knocking it.

"What?!" Minho shouted from inside.

"Its Hyunjin. Let me in!!" Hyunjin bangs the door with his fist.

"Calm down!!" Minho said as he opens the door. Looking at Hyunjin annoyedly.


"Lets talk." Hyunjin said as he carelessly walked in Minho's room.



"So?" Minho asked.

"I kissed Jisung and he kissed me back." Hyunjin smiled.

"What the fuck? I was supposed to get those!!" Minho hits Hyunjin.

"I can confirm hes submissive. If he dates all of us we would be lucky as fuck." Hyunjin said.

"Oh he is?" Minho smirked.

"Yes, he let me in so hurriedly-"

"I thought yall just kissed!"

"No i meant he let me explore his mouth stupid shit." Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"Ohh..I guess you won," Minho glares.

"But I'll make him date me." Minho finishes the sentence.

"In my consent, thanks." Hyunjin sticked out his tounge.

"I'd do anything for you if you let me date him." Minho pleads.



"Buy me chips for the whole week. Make him like you and I'll let him date you. Doesnt mean me and you are dating eachother though..Eugh." Hyunjin said, disgusted.

"Fuck bitch I wont. Thats weird." Minho rolled his eyes.

"Okayokay, seeyou~" Hyunjin got up as he left the room.


Jisung got up and left his room, hes hungry as hell but he doesnt know what to cook. He went to the kitchen, trying to find some noodle cup.

"Alright this looks fine." Jisung said as he took it, slowly opening the lid as he took out the seasoning packets, then he pours the hot water in the cup.

He waited for somewhat 3-5 minutes to wait for it to be ready enough then he pours the hot water in the sink. Right after that he put the seasoning same with the sauce.

"Perfect.." Jisung said as he split his chopsticks, digging in the noodles as he took a bite.

He hummed from the delicious taste.

He paused and opened his phone, opening some random videos then he made a phone stander using a bottle. Then he eats while he watches.

Then ofcourse, someone would walked in the moment.

"Everytime I do something theres always someone." Jisung thought as he looked up.

"Hm? Minho?" Jisung questioned, then he took another bite.

"Sorry, I didnt know where you were. Didnt mean to interrupt you." He apologized.

"Oh- dont apologize! Its okay come sit here." Jisung smiled.

"Do you want a bite?" Jisung offers.

"Is it spicy?" Minho asked, he loves spice.

"No, I dont like spicy things.." Jisung said as he smiled.

"Oh, give me a bite." Minho eyed the noodles.

"Sure here take it." Jisung gave the noodles to Minho, with a different chopstick.

"Jagi, I didnt tell you to give me it, I want you to feed me." Minho said smoothly.

"Ouh- you're such a baby.." Jisung said as he took the cup, then he picks the noodle with the chopsticks, trying to feed Minho but that guy wont open his mouth.

"Hey open your mouth~!" Jisung whines, same with his body. (yk how he is when he whines..) 😭

"Okay fine." Minho opens his mouth, letting Jisung feed him like a kitten on the loose.

"Only one bite right?" Jisung giggled as he finishes the last bits.

"Yes. Its very delicious."

"I know right! You get me!!" Jisung happily said.



Jisung ended up falling asleep on Minho's chest, on the couch.

Nobody knows how they ended up there.

Seungmin just watches them in jealousy. Not jealous of Jisung..but jealous of Minho. He wants to be close with Jisung, he wants to hold Jisung, he wants to have the same treatment like how Jisung gives to Hyunjin and Minho.

He just couldnt take it anymore. Hes going to do so much better than this, just for a guy.

Anyway..back to the two. They were cuddled up while being covered by the blankets. Chan probs did that.

The lights were shut and the tv was off. So it was quite peaceful because only Jisung's little snores can be heard.

Hyunjin tapped on Seungmin's shoulder from behind.

"Why are you staring at them for so long?" Hyunjin asked.

"Because Jisung is with Minho." Seungmin's bit his bottom lips in frustaration.

"Do you like Minho or something?" Hyunjin asked as he got hit by the younger.

"No. I like Jisung." Seungmin said it clear.

"My lover, my baby, my jagi?" Hyunjin's eyes widden, he rarely sees Seungmin been crushing on someone.

"Yes, your everything." Seungmin's corner lips formed a weak smile, then he went to his straight face.



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