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"I know I am, you just knew?" Jisung said.

"Ehm. Lower down the confidence Miss." Minho rolled his eyes.

"Im confident enough, I'm cute, sexy, hot and pretty at the same time."

"You sure?"

"Sure enough." Jisung winked.

"Meh. Whatever." Minho continue to eat his pudding.

Jisung stared into the cheesecake, feeling bored as he close it with the lid and put it in the fridge.

He washed the fork on the sink, meanwhile hes washing it, Minho asked.

"Han Jisung where are you going?"

"Ah..my room. I'm gonna rest a bit. I feel too tired." 

"Noted, come out of your room if you can."


"Cause you're fun to talk with. Consider me as a friend."

"Can we be more than friends?"

"Enemies then."

"Not that! I mean close friends!"

"Alright alright. Have a good rest.."

Jisung giggled as he gave small wave then ran upstair to his room.

Jisung took his headphone, wearing it as he grabbed his diary and a pen, yeah he said hes going to rest..but in a minute.

He played 'Glue Song by Baebadoobe' on repeat ofcourse.

"Dear diary,

Today is the best day in my life I could say, I'm free from my house, parents and surrounding. I've found lots better friends here. I'm glad.

I hope my friendship with them never ends. Even though we just met today, Hyunjin and Minho is the one that I think I've been comfortable with most.

Cringey or not, fuck it. I really wanted a friendship like this with someone you know? Having long talks, insulting eachother without getting hurt..having fun like bestfriends.

I'm also glad that Hyunjin pays for me without asking because he knew I dont have money to buy shits. I appreciate him.

And tommorow is the day of my first day being at college here. My class ends early, so I'll go get a job at that cafe. Oh lord please wish me luck.

But what transport am I using? Yeah right.. Maybe I'll just uh..you know what nevermind. I'll find the nearest cafe around me possible.
I really need money so I really have to.

Feels like Hyunjin is going to be mad at me since I'm not even used to this surrounding and place. But thats alright..I'll take the responsibility.

Okay.. going to rest now, sweet dreams Han Jisung."

Jisung close his diary, put it in his bag as he took off his headphone. He threw himself on the bed as he slowly sleep.
Rain started to run.

Not the storm ones, its like the chill, cool and cloudy.
He even had the aircond on, oh how heavenly to sleep in such weather.

. . .

Hyunjin walked in to Minho eating his pudding like a loner.

"Oi..are you a loner?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yahh! I'm just trying to eat! Plus Jisung randomly went in his room.."

"You guys seem close. More close than how he is with me. Even though I met him first, you guys linked well. I'm jealous."

"You like him or something?"

"No! Its just.." Hyunjin looked away.

"Yeah you like him dont you? And you felt like its too early so you acted different."

"Minho-..I do not like him."

"Sure you dont Hwang."

Minho looked at Hyunjin's hands, full of paint.

"You painted something didnt you?"

"Ah yes.."

"You painted..Jisung?"

"Stop baiting on him. Ugh, okay what if I do like him?"

"Don't worry Hyunjin. I also like him, even though its early..we know we both catches feelings too early. So its not an issue..or is it?

"Well, gotta protect him fast from you or anyone else..he will like me I know."

"Lower down the confidence, I'll make him mine first. But I'm not seeing him as a competition. So, I'm just trying. I wont force or anything."

"Same with me."

Minho looked at Hyunjin in the eyes.

Hyunjin spoke, "Eat the pudding well."

Hyunjin smiled.

Then he walked to somewhere, leaving Minho speechless, never ever Hyunjin said something that NICE to him.

Maybe because its his first time, thats why he felt it like this. Their friendship is really strong. They call eachother 'BestFriends.' but not the bestfriends who are nice. The bestfriends who are mean and bully eachother. But behind all those, they really care and are really nice.

Theres this one time where Minho's mom kicked him out because of coming out as bisexual. I mean, he isnt gay. He dated lots of girls before. But his mom wont just accept that he like mens too.

Okay, after he got kicked out, he was crying, he doesnt know where to go. He called Hyunjin to pick him up. His only savior.

In the car, Minho was crying so badly. Hyunjin comforted him, he was there for Minho when nobody was.

"Now tell me Minho, what the fuck happened?" Hyunjin asked.

"I-i..she kicked me out. I told her I was bisexual..whats wrong with it?"
Minho said, making Hyunjin sigh.

"Its okay Minmin.Theres nothing wrong. I'm also Bisexual, you are not alone. I'll try to rent a house for both of us to live. But this time lets just live in my apartment. Did you grab your clothes?"

"N-no. She didnt even give me time. But I brought my wallet and phone."

"Thank god. We can go to the mall tommorow to buy what you need okay? Since you're rich enough you are not using my money."

"Hey! Who said I would-.." Minho chuckled.

"So you're okay now?"

"Y-yeah. Kind of."

"Thanks to me!"

"Ugh. Whatever."

"Oh by the way, I'll lend you my clothes for tonight. You must be shivering. Its also raining. That woman is so fucking cruel."

"Dont worry bout me. Hows you?"

"Oh, my dad beat me up of course. So I raised money. Luckily he kicked me out in the morning. He also threw my clothes at me. I couldnt care less so I ran away with his money a bit..not bit but much.."

"Ha. Honestly, I love you as a friend I dont know where to go if you arent here. Thank you."

"Ew! But you're welcome, Oh and..you wanna go grab some coffee?"

"Fucking hell Hyunjin I'm wet!"

"Ah. Dont worry. You'll eventually dry up later."

"Yeah right. Mr Genius."

The night ended with laughters together. Oh how bad Minho wanted to go back in time.

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