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"Yah what are you staring at for too long! Eat the pudding already!"
Changbin interfere.

"Aish. Nothing." Minho said, making Changbin squint his eyes, wondering.

"You're thingking of Hyunjin arent you? HAHHH?" Changbin said, well.. he isnt wrong. Plus Minho used to date Hyunjin.

"Holy shit no! I dont like him anymore. Plus that was a long time ago! Quit it will you?! I like someone else."

"The new guy?"


"I havent even meet him yet! Is he cute?"

"He is absolutely majestic."


"Haish. You asked!"

"Where is he?"


"Nothing, as I repeat..I'm curious on how he looks."

"Is looks all you care-"

"Man you dont even know him fully, you dont even know if hes struggling, you dont even know if hes hurting mentally and physically, you dont even know if hes actually kind. So lets start on with his looks first."

"You're kind of right..I guess."

"Because I am Lino."


"You guys talking bout me?" Jisung walked pass them to the fridge, getting his americano as he took a sip.

"E-eh..no!" They both said.

"I can tell you both about my life. Just...in one condition..Do not give these infos to anyone."

"Arent you trusting us too much?" Changbin said.

"We live together, nothing should be keep as a secret right?"

"Yeah." Changbin said, he like Jisung's mindset.

"So where to start-..um..so. Howd I get here? Well, my mom forced me to study overboard because she thought it can make me success. Well sorry, she doesnt have the 'We can be success everywhere.' instead shes the 'Success is only for kids out countries.' So, she told me to find a country, where I should stay at. I chose to study here because I can speak english otherwise I wont. Lucky enough I saw Hyunjin at the airport and he befriended with me. He told me he also got a place to stay which is here. I'm glad.

Anyway, Minho knew I'm gay so I'm gonna start with my life. Ever since I came out to my parents, my mom accepted it but my dad has been a homophobe since day one. I dont get him but he should honestly fuck off..well he maybe slapped me but i'm glad he didnt beat me up. i'm literally a weak ass wimp, so i wont handle it easily. I also have a brother which I kind of really care but hes fucking roaming around everywhere. I've never get to see him like forreal.

Long story short, I'm going to study and go work in a partime job. Not trying to stress the fuck out of Hyunjin having to pay for me-"
Jisung got cutted off.

"Jisung. He told you hes going to pay it off. So dont worry.." Minho said making Jisung sighed.

"Yeah Youre right. Cut the job off. Okay, anyway..uh should I tell or- yeah I should. Please go easy on me because I have some kind of mental issue like anxiety. So please, if theres a new person. Tell me, introduce them to me, dont leave me hanging and meeting them without any info theyre coming over. Oh god especially groups!

I mean if they get along with me thats pretty good-..but if they just talkshit about me infront of me, thingking im a coward..gosh that would be so u comfortable. you could feel it too. So Uh, I think this is enough? Well not really. Not even completed yet. But thats all."

Changbin clapped.

"Woah. You really have an excellent english here!" Changbin giggled.

"Thanks." Jisung winked playfully.

"I'm speechless." Minho said, having a hand over his mouth.

"You can tell me your backstory too in my room Minho, please do. I really want to be your friend. I trust in us." Jisung smiled. Minho wanted to cry, looking at this majestic boy, caring for him and wanting to be friends.

"I-I'll work on it." Minho smiled back.

"Aish. Romantic asses-" Changbin said as he rolled his eyes.

"Poor you!" Jisung took another sip and went to his room, before that he glanced at Minho, signalling him to come along.

Minho stood up and followed the younger.

While they were at the stair, they met Hyunjin. Perfect or not? We dont know.

"Hey Hyunjin." Minho and Jisung said.

"Hey..! Where are you guys going?"

"To my room!" Jisung answered as Minho pinched him.

"Ow! Its true though!" Jisung whined.

"Can I tag along?" Hyunjin asked. Making Jisung smile and nod.

"Yes Hyunjin." Jisung said softly.

Minho pinched Jisung even more harder, making Jisung whimper.

"Ow whats that for?!" Jisung asked as he started to walk off to his room, meanwhile the other two is following him.


aye, one more days till weekend ill update another one 😭

Dumb Roomates  .   Han Jisung X OT7Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat