4) Truth

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Nobody's POV:

Adam and Emily haven't spoken much, as Emily was busy with work and Adam was busy being himself.

Adam decides to go to that heavenly meeting that the princess of hell was attending. He was gonna stand by Sera's side as he was seen as a jerk, so Sera needs to keep an eye on him. Charlie and Vaggie walk in the courtroom, He never met either of them as he never wanted to talk to Lucifer's brat.

Emily flies in with Lute and they get into their seats as well, Emily looks at the crowd and sees Adam and smiles at him.

"You teach that bitch who's boss Emi..." Adam mumbled as the court begins, Charlie then goes on about her ideas of redemption.

(Look I'm not describing all the scenes that happened in the show but replacing what Adam says with Emily and vice versa.)

When Sera tries to calm everyone down, Adam breaks out into song, arguing Charlie was in fact right.

"Bitch she was right Sera, she showed us a soul can improve. He saw the light Sera, checked all these boxes and I don't fucking know what the fuck is going on right now, but we should really make this work somehow-" Adam sang half heartedly but he couldn't deny that Charlie was right, Sera tells Adam to quiet down and Charlie continues the number.

*Insert Charlie's verse here*

Adam realizes Emily must have lied to him, but he stays silent until Emily finally screws up and says the words and exposes the exterminations accidentally.

"Wait-" Adam says, stern in his voice as he continues, "What is this Emi?! Let me get this straight, you didn't even listen to me?!"

"You told her no?!" Charlie asks shocked, obviously not expecting Adam to even take her side after all she heard from her dad.

"Uh oh..." Emily sighs as she feels a bit bad. Lute smirks as she says,

"Guess the cats out of the bag!" Sera then follows with,

"Adam it's fine..."

Adam looks at Emily and says, with a pleading voice,

"Emi tell me that this isn't true..." he softly sang as he flew to her, holding both her hands as he looks at her in the eyes.

"I thought since you said no, and Sera said I could grow-" Emily started and Adam looked down, Emily continued by saying "Look you have to listen it was not a hard decision! I was mad at you at the time, I am now in my prime!" Emily smiles as she says this and says pretending to feel bad, "I wanted to kill them, and then that's just when, I did what was ever due..." Emily harmonized, thinking Adam would join her. Adam breaks hands with Emily and flies a bit away and says,

"To think that I have raised you! Well I don't need your winey ass now, I wish I knew what you were before! Was all the times we, had were lies then?! Were you not mindful? What I did was not for you! I wanted you to heed morals she's purveying..." Adam says as he snaps at her, he wasn't happy and Charlie holds his hands and says,

"That's what the fuck I've been saying!"

*Insert awesome duet here*

WC: 551

Sorry for ending it here, but uhhh Adam is now on thin ice lol.

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