Chapter 18: The Aftermath

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"Hold still." Ursus's jaw clenched. Her thumb pressed the button. A bright red light burned his skin. Her nose wrinkled against the smell of burning flesh. "I'm almost done." Reaching the last of his wound, the laser clicked off. Now sealed shut, the wound was still red and irritated. She leaned back, releasing a small sigh from her lips. "There you go."

A hand gripped her chin, lifting her up. "Thank you, love." He pressed a soft kiss against her lips. Knock. Knock. Their heads turned. Dressed in her chrome color, her eyes softened on them. "Pavel is awake."

Ursus was on his feet in an instant. "How is he? Is he alright?"

"He's fine." The queen nodded to him. "He's asking about you though." Eileen didn't miss his hitched breath. She grabbed his hand, giving it a soft squeeze. I'm here. With a glance at her, he followed the queen.

Now alone, Eileen turned her attention to putting away her tools. Footsteps snapped her gaze up to the councilwoman. "Eileen, is it?"

"Councilwoman Ramona." Eileen hesitated. Do I stand? Do I bow? Do I remain seated? "To what do I owe this pleasure?" She grimaced at the council's raised eyebrow. Seriously, Eileen, you're not british!

"Ursus, isn't with you?" She questioned.

"No, he went to talk to his brother."

"Ah, I see." When her gaze didn't move, Eileen cleared her throat. "Is there something you need, councilwoman?" Her eyes snapped back to her. "Please just call me Ramona." Her smile softende. "And I just wanted to thank you personally for your help with certain..." She hesitated. "Issues. We owe you both everything."

"Maybe you can thank us by staying true to your promise?" Eileen countered. They were lucky the hybrids didn't want war. Not when the council promised them to ease up a bi in exchange for peace. Neither side needed a war.

"Yes, we will ease up on the hybrid stuff." Her eyes flickered away. "You may not believe me but not all councils feel the same way about hybrids." She smiled at her. "Some of us just blend in better."

"So you're saying you're for the hybrids?"

"All I'm saying is that some people have their reasons."

"Councilwoman Ramona?" She turned. "What are you doing here?" Ursus eyed the woman wearily.

"Ah, I just wanted to check in on you and your bond." She smiled. "But you went to check on the prince." Her eyes glanced over him. "You seem better thankfully." Her lips parted, almost as if she was about to say something else.


"Ah, please Ramona is fine." She shook her head. "I should be going. I'll leave you two alone." With one last nod, she disappeared down the hallway. As Ursus sat beside her, Eileen leaned forward. "How Pavel?"

"He's fine. He's going to need some more rest but the chamber helped a lot." His gaze softened. "And he also told me to tell you that he's sorry. He never should have tried to force us apart."

Eileen's smile softened. "Yeah, well, before all and hybrid stuff, you were my boyfriend first and foremost."

Ursus hesitated. "Yeah, about that."

Eileen's eyes widened. "What? What's wrong?" Her heart flipped. Was he about to break up with me? Now? After everything?

"You remember that surprise I had for you way back before this mess happened?"

"Yeah." Her eyes narrowed.

"And you remember that junk drawer I asked you to clean out three months ago?" He stressed. Heat blushed across Eileen's face. "It's not that dirty."

"It pops open when I barely nudge it. You stuff so much junk mail in that thing that it's begging for mercy."

Eileen folded her arms. She glared mockingly at him. "Get to the point." Her words earned a smirk. "Well, I hid your gift in there."

"You did?" She frowned. "Why?"

"Because it was the last place you would even look for a ring." Eileen blinked. A ring? Ursus grabbed her hand. Their fingers entwined. "I was going to ask you to marry me that night." His gaze softened. "After they gave you the job."

But I didn't get the job. She frowned, expecting to feel some sort of pain at the memory. There was nothing. Instead, she watched Ursus stand up. He dropped to his knees. "Eileen, the love-"

"Yes!" She cried, cutting him off.

Ursus blinked before he chuckled. "Can I at least finish the title, love?"

With a small smile, Eileen nodded frantically. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry." She waved her hands. "Continued." Calm down, Eileen. She fought a building giggle in her throat. She cleared her throat, giving him her most serious look. "Continue."

"Eileen, the love-" At her furrowed eyebrows, he burst out laughing. "Stop looking at me like that! You look like you're watching one of those black and white movies."

Eileen's face flushed a deeper red. "They're so confusing!" Eileen huffed. "And they have no audio!"

Ursus shook his head. "They were made in the 1900's!"

"There are things called remakes!"

He stood up. "I thought proposals were supposed to be serious."

Eileen shrugged her shoulders. "When are we ever serious?" Shaking his head, he cupped her face gently. "And this is exactly why I want to marry you."

"Because I hate black and white films?" She questioned. Her teasing smile appeared at his mocking scowl. Leaning forward, he kissed her.

"No, because you make my world complete." And with that, he kissed her like she was the only one for him. 

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