Chapter 7: Crash Landing

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I have got to stop jinxing myself. With a groan, Eileen pressed a hand against her throbbing head. So much for a totally uneventful journey.

The trip had started out well enough. Eager to play with her new tools, Eileen had memorized most of the videos that had come with her new hologram watch while the hovercraft zipped across the land. Just as she was finishing up, there was a blaring alarm and the cockpit flashed red lights and the last thing she remembered was them going down.

"Is everyone alright?" Her eyes flickered around the empty cockpit. Well, empty except for one person. Ursus! His arms had wrapped around her, protecting her from most of the rough landing. "Are you alright, love?"

"I'm fine." She blinked. "Where are the others?"

"Probably outside." With a soft click, he unbuckled her from the seat. "Come on, let's go see where they are." Pushing herself up, Eileen took a tentative step forward. Thankfully nothing feels broken. With a grunt, Ursus lifted her up bridal style. A squeal of surprise left her lips as he eased them both out of the hovercraft.

Their drop caught two people's attention. "Good, you both are alright." Pavel sighed. "We tried calling your names but when you didn't respond we grew worried. Didn't want to move you just in case." His gaze flickered to Donovan. "I hoped that one of us wouldn't be injured so quickly but..."

Donovan's left eye was a dark red as if the blood vessels inside had burst. Eileen gasped. "Your eye."

"It's nothing," he grunted. "Just a rough hit when we landed."

She stepped toward him. "Still, I should look at it." Donovan's body stiffened but he didn't fight her as she pulled his chin toward the sky. From what she could remember, her first aid kit included a forehead thermometer looking scanner that could see inside the body and take note of any abnormalities. Alright, so if I press my thumb on the pad then- A green light shot out from the scanner in the form of a grid. It slowly lowered over his eyes.

Analyzing. Analyzing. Analyzing. Her eyes widened at the screen popping up with a punch of weird symbols. "I can't read this."

Ursus glanced at the screen. "It says something about a mini corneal abrasion."

"Oh, a scratch to the eye." Eileen frowned. "Nothing too difficult. If we wash it out with some water then-"

"No." Donovan staggered back. "No, I'm good."


"I said no." Donvoan's eyes narrowed. "I'm not letting a hybrid lover-"

"Quiet!" Ursus snapped. Mismatched eyes glowed. "I hear something."

Eileen strained her ears. Other than the rustling of the leaves, she couldn't hear anything else. Pavel and Donovan shared a look. "Ursus, get Eileen back into the hovercraft."

Wait? Why do I need to get-

A screech echoed throughout the jungle. Instantly, Pavel and Donovan yanked out blasters. "Get her in now!" A shadow charged from the bushes. Eileen barely had time to scream before she was thrown into the cockpit.

Another cry ripped through the creature's mandibles as beams blasted its skin. With a large flick, its tail sent Donovan flying. "Donovan!" Eileen's hands snapped to her mouth. The creature was the largest centipede she had ever seen. Blue pulsating mushrooms clung to its skin while black beady eyes stared at them with pure malice.

A figure charged forward. "Ursus!" She screamed. The centipede's eyes snapped toward her. Oh no. Oh, no, no! She scrambled back as its war cry. Its body towered over the hovercraft as salvive dripped from its jaws. Her heart leaped into her throat. No, no, no!

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