Chapter 14: Disaster

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The village was alive and bustling, filled with people and children that ducked through the grass curtains as they played tag. Eileen's smile softened when one of the boys, a brother, seemed to startle his sister with a large boo before she gave chase. "This place is so full of life," Eileen replied.

"It's getting to that time." Asuria cupped her bump. "We tend to have our children either early in the season where they'll be strong enough to swim with us or late in the season with the Archeons." She glanced back toward the ocean. "With that Plesiosaur though..." She trailed off.

Donovan grabbed her hand and pressed his forehead against hers. "Everything will be fine," he whispered. Reaching a small woven home, the shade offered comfort from the sun's harsh rays. An open fire pit in the center released black smoke up and out the top hole. There were stools around the edge and wooden table and furniture. This reminds me of my studio.

"So," Ursus said. "You're a hybrid."

Donovan nodded. "I am." His gaze met Ursus. "I'm sure you have all kinds of questions."

"You're a hybrid, but you don't have a tracker. You don't live in Lyria, you're not even in the system are you?" He stepped forward. "You're one of those hybrids?"

"No, and before you call me a liar. My mother made the brave decision to have me away from the Lyria hospitals and at home. She knew that if there was even the slightest suspicion of being a hybrid my life would never be mine."

"But your eyes."

"I was able to pass as Aecoran until our first migration. Once we arrived I was taught how to camouflage my eyes by my mother." Asuria eased down beside him. "Until I caught him one night by surprise. I scared him with a jumpscare prank and apparently, he still had difficulty keeping the camouflage when scared."

"I thought you were going to tell your father, the chief." He chuckled. "I was so scared."

"My father was an idiot." She sighed. "He would be turning in his grave if he knew his first grandchild had hybrid blood." Blue eyes turned to Ursus. "Though I never thought I would see the day that another hybrid became bonded...much less to a human."

"So," Eileen frowned. "Hybrids can bond."

"Seems like it." Donovan frowned. "Though I doubt the council will be pleased. The fact that Ursus's bond already shows stronger abilities makes them nervous. They don't want another Navo upsring."

"But I'm not like that!" Ursus stressed. "I wouldn't raise a whole uprising like that!"

Donovan's eyes narrowed. "What happened on the beach this morning then?"

Ursus's jaw clenched. "That was different."

Donovan chuckled. "I see you're still trying to run away." Ursus's jaw clenched. "I'm not." Donovan shook his head. "You're like me in a way. We've become great at hiding our true emotions." He glanced at Eileen. "But you're still upset with her."

Me? Eileen's gaze snapped to Ursus. "You're upset with me?"

Ursus shook his head. "No, I'm not."

"Look her in the eyes and say that." Donovan challenged. If looks could kill, Donovan would be six feet under. Instantly, his gaze snapped to her before quickly looking away.

Eileen's eyes widened. He was mad at me. She grabbed his hand. "Hey, what's wrong?" She rubbed his knuckles. "You can tell me."

"It's stupid."

"It's not stupid." She frowned. "What is it about the cave?" His hitched breath told her the answer. Oh, Ursus. She sighed. "I think I know what you're mad about now." She licked her lips. "I'm sorry."

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