Thirty One-Lillian❤️‍🩹

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A/N: Yes, I accidentally did two Lillian chapters in a row. I wrote the whole thing in her POV before realizing, so I'll probably double up on Logan at some point later in the story lol

Also, I may have a Nick and Lina story idea, but that's way out in the future if it happens at all

Also, happy first day of the Stanley Cup Playoffs! GO AVALANCHE!!!!

To my utter shock, Lina and Nick accepted our offer to babysit. Well, it was mostly my offer, but either way, it was accepted.

They packed up their things and planned a two-day trip out towards Mount Blue Sky, booking one night at a cabin they'd stayed in before. They dropped the twins off at Logan's house just after breakfast, which really meant that he and I had eaten breakfast and were prepared to have another one with Rachel and Maisy.

"And you guys are sure about this? Because we can still cancel," Lina said anxiously, watching as Rachel began introducing her new Barbie dolls to Logan. He'd never met these three before, as they'd come as a late birthday gift from her grandmother.

"We can handle it," I promised. "I've got a whole bunch of stuff planned for them."

"Okay then," she said, still not looking totally convinced. "Bedtime is at eight. Make sure Rachel doesn't have any yogurt; it doesn't sit well with her."

"Got it," I said as Nick carried in two backpacks-one pink and one purple.

"We color code their stuff," he explained. "Maisy has all purple things, Rachel has all pink. Hairbrushes, sippy cups, backpacks, everything."

"Smart. And good to know," I said, quickly memorizing which color went with which girl.

"Okay, girls, we're heading out," Lina said, summoning Maisy and Rachel. They flew to her and Nick, giving enormous hugs in farewell. Nick made them promise to be good, then said they would bring back a souvenir for each of them. This, of course, made Maisy and Rachel extremely excited as they began guessing all of the wonderful things that could be considered souvenirs.

"Can you bring me back one too?" Logan asked from the couch. "Preferably another niece or nephew? Since I assume that's the purpose of this trip."

I would've strangled him had the two young children not been in the room. Nick looked absolutely murderous as he said, "I was thinking more along the lines of your own cranium, perforated at the jugular."

"What's a jugular!?!" Rachel shouted, not using her inside voice.

"A juggler? Someone who juggles," I said smoothly, covering for the brothers.

"I WANNA BE A JUGGLER!" She had found her destiny in a matter of seconds.

"Me too," Maisy chimed in, much quieter. "Can you teach us, Doctor Lillian?"

"I don't know how to juggle," I admitted. They were crushed, which was fair. I was devasted myself that I didn't know how to juggle.

Lina looked embarrassed, like she wanted to melt into the floor. "We'll see you tomorrow night, guys. Love you!"

"Love youuuuuu!" the twins sang back, having already forgotten about juggling. It was amazing how short their attention spans were.

Nick and Lina left, their Range Rover driving down the driveway as I locked the front door. Meanwhile, Maisy and Rachel had already moved on, digging through the toybox by the fireplace. Logan had told me that as the twins got older, he always made sure to keep a stash of age-appropriate toys on hand for when they visited. It made sense, considering they saw each other almost every week.

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