5K Reads Sneak Peek at Crushing on the Captain!

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        Hi lovelies! Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Sorry I haven't been posting quite as frequently as I was earlier in the year-exams have kept me busier than I'd like. Don't worry; we're still going strong! Only four weeks left until I get my associates degree :) But for now, as a special gift since you guys have over five thousand views on this story (THAT'S INSANE!), here's a little tidbit from Crushing on the Captain, which will be the sequel to Full Strength and will be slowly released as soon as Full Strength is completed. This scene is told from Eve's POV. Hope you enjoy and hopefully I get the next chapter of Full Strength out soon! 

        Love you all! *kisses for everybody*

        I fell in love with Graham the very day I met him.

        I was eighteen, he was twenty-two. This had been when Logan's contract with the Atlanta Tigers had been almost up, and he'd been carefully sorting through his options for the trade deadline. He'd almost certainly decided to go with Denver, and as one last formality, the coach had invited Logan, Graham (who was the captain), and all of us to dinner.

        Coach Jay and his wife, Amelia, had us over at their house and cooked a fantastic dinner. Unfortunately, I had trouble appreciating it due to my instant crush on Graham. As soon as I'd thought that he was incredibly attractive, I felt foolish. This was Graham Everett. He had hundreds, maybe even thousands of admirers. He was painfully handsome, impossibly talented, and devastatingly rich. It was not only ridiculous, but embarrassing to imagine that I was even worth noticing. 

         To my absolute horror, I ended up sitting next to him at dinner. At the end of the table to my right, was Logan, but oh, how he felt so far away. He was to be of no help if I wanted to survive the night without making a total fool out of myself.

        At first, things went well. I was able to eat and the discussion about hockey was enough to keep me silent. I didn't even spill anything on my sweater, or choke on my water. An hour had passed and I hadn't spontaneously combusted or anything. 

        Then Coach Jay asked Nick and me what we did for a living. Part of me wanted to hate him for drawing attention to us, but it was impossible to hate the man. You never would've guessed he was one of the most winningest coaches in hockey history. He was smiley, with crinkled eyes and a kind gaze. I couldn't hate him, despite his opening the floodgates for opportunities for me to embarrass myself.

         Nick bought me more time, talking about his investing company and how he was working on some projects. At the time, he had only been a lowly employee, whereas now he owned that company. But he saved me, talking for several minutes.

         Coach Jay hadn't forgotten me. "What about you, Eve?"

        "I'm going to school this fall to become a teacher," I said shyly. Graham had just taken a big bite of mashed potatoes, so maybe the conversation would move on before he even realized they were talking about me.

         "At CU?" Coach Jay asked.

         I shook my head. "State."

         He grinned. "Bit of a house rivalry there," he laughed. Dad had gone to Colorado when he was my age, meaning I would be attending at the place of his greatest loathing.

          Smiling, I said, "State has a better teaching program. Although I do feel bad for betraying you, dad," I added. 

          He waved me off. "Betrayals, shmetrayals. I'm just happy you're going somewhere where you get a good education."

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