Twenty Two-Lillian ❤️‍🩹

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        Standing in front of my floor-length mirror, I could hear the front door opening and Eve saying something. We were leaving in five minutes. I glanced at my heels, which still sat on the bed in a sad little pile.

       The dress was flashier than I would've liked. It was gold and shimmering, and while it wasn't ridiculously short, it came well above my knees. The thin straps matched the straps of my shoes, which I'd bought to pair with this dress specifically. My hair was curled, brushing the tops of my bare shoulders.

        There was a sharp knocking at the door. "Lils! Come on, I want to see your dress!" Eve said eagerly.

        Lils? It wasn't the most out-there nickname I'd been given, but definitely not the usual Lillian or Lilly. Hesitant, I opened the door, my heels clenched in one hand.

        "Oh my gosh, I love your dress," I blurted out, smiling. Eve wore a black dress with sheer sleeves that only came up just above her elbows, her shoulders and collarbone bare except for a thin gold necklace. She also wore a black bow in her hair and gold earrings, along with black flats.

        "Thanks! You look so amazing," she said, beaming. "Doesn't she look amazing, Logan?"

        Logan was sitting at the kitchen counter, looking devastatingly handsome. Perhaps it was just the events from the pool house deluding my thoughts, but he still looked incredible. His suit fit him perfectly, his tie the perfect shade of gold to not only compliment his eyes, but coincidentally matched my dress. His hair looked casually messy, like he'd woken up and run his fingers through it.

        He gave me a sweet, innocent smile. "You look nice."

        "Thanks. You too." It was hard to keep the clear adoration out of my tone. Ever since the kiss, I'd become much too obsessed with him. He always seemed to look gorgeous, no matter what he was doing. His voice sent my heart racing. Every tiny, insignificant detail about him seemed to stand out like it was pasted on a billboard in my brain.

        "I'm all set if you guys are," Eve said, slipping her keys out of her clutch. Embarrassed, I followed behind Logan, wondering if she'd noticed. Worse, if he had noticed. How hypocritical of me to push him away, then ogle him from a safe distance.

        Graham's house was still decorated for Christmas, with garland draped over the railings of balconies and wreaths hung in the upstairs windows. His driveway was lined with cars, most of which looked like the cost more than my parents' house. Getting out and giving Logan his crutches, I shivered; I hadn't brought a coat in my haste to leave.

        Logan opened his mouth to say something, then apparently changed his mind as he clamped it shut again. We stepped up to the front door, ringing the doorbell and waiting patiently.

        Graham answered a moment later. He was dressed in a tux, instantly making me feel better about my own outfit. I'd asked Logan a million times about the dress code, and he'd assured me that my dress was perfect, but it was much more relieving to see that he'd been right.

        As soon as his gaze landed on Eve, Graham's smile melted into something that I could only describe as a mixture of adoration and bliss. She pretended not to notice, staring at the tops of her flats. They were just barely scuffed, like she walked up and down stairs a lot when she wore them.

        Logan and I exchanged the slightest of glances, smiling. It shouldn't have felt like such a relief, but it did. Despite the awkward state of our relationship at the moment, at least we could still silently ship Eve and Graham without them noticing. 

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