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Third person perspective:

Leo opened the door clad in a floral apron, with flour staining his tiredness streaked expression. Eye bags tainted his face, his gaze darting to identify the unexpected visitor. Upon seeing liyana his eyebrows raised, and he almost stepped back and shut the door to compose himself, but refrained. 

Liyanas eyes skipped over his form, scanning for any injuries and upon not finding any she almost felt disappointed. Guilt instantly then filled her at that thought, he was fine and that should've relieved her but instead all she could think about was why he had chosen to ignore her messages.


"Im so sorry for like turning up randomly, i was just worried that this time it was YOU who'd been eaten by a bear. You haven't been to the cafe in a while and i dont know I guess i assumed the worst"

He adopted a small smile at her concern and nodded along slowly, 

"Hello, nice to see you again liyana"

He said it casually, hoping to mask the rampage of electricity that went through him at the sweetness that she displayed towards him.

"Oh yes, sorry hi"

"So, you were like super concerned for my welfare?"


"Sounds like your obsessed with me"

He spoke wi that rare stardust of a tone, embracing notes of lightness and cheekiness as he said it and she almost wanted to melt. It was rather embarrassing. 

"lets not get ahead of ourselves, i just wanted to sell out of my brownies y'know so they don't get wasted, and my best bet is you guzzling them down"



Footsteps pattered from inside the house halting her words, as a small boy appeared beside Leo immediately hugging onto his legs.

"the cookies are burning uncleo, the house will literally set on fire" he said in a panic, his hands letting go to wave around and add emphasis go his point."

Leo glanced down, his eyes widening significantly, "oh cra-crumbs"

The boy giggled, and him and liyana were left looking at each other at the door as leo scurried off inside to salvage the apparent baking situation. 

The boy eyed her up, looking up and down with a raised eyeborw, purposefully scrutinisingly. Liyana mimicked his actions with a smale on her face, making his nose scrunch and a smile cover his face. 

"Who are you?"

"Liyana Bluemell. You?"

"Daniel. I don't tell strangers personal stuff like my last name, that how kids get kidnapped."

"Good call. Forget what i said, i dont want you to kidnap me either."

"That's silly. How do you know my uncle?"

She paused and was reminded of a conversation they had in which he told her he was taking his nephew to the aquarium. This was said nephew.

In the few seconds she paused to think back, he had already fired off another question, "are you in love with him?"

"Oh uhm no. We're friends i think, i work in this cafe he visits sometimes.

"Hm"the small boy seemed to mull over the answer before enquiring, 

"Are you has girlfriend? He told me he doesn't have one of those, but he also told me theres no marshmallows left and i found them hidden in a drawer."

Liyana laughed awkwardly, "no no, your uncle must've been telling you the truth."

"Do you want to marry him?"


"Well if you do, you have to get a ring for him and then get on one knee and say 'will you marry me?' Okay?"

As he was saying the sentence Leo materialised behind him, hearing the entire thing and going a endearing shade of pink before ruffling his hair. 

"I think that's quite enough of that."

he smiled up at him, "I'm just helping you out"

"Oh really?"


"okay, now shoo"

"Bye liyana Bluemell" 

"Bye Daniel no last name."

After the boy had turned away and disappeared into the house, leo rubbed his forehead, "sorry about that"

"He's sweet"

"Yeah he is."

"Do you want to come in? We have cookies?"

she so wanted to say yes, but not wanting to intrude, she politely declined, 

"Oh no no, I really do need to get back. I just wanted to make sure you're alive"

 "Im sorry for not getting back to you, I've been looking after Daniel for a week and I've just been swamped with everything"

"No worries. If you ever need any help, I'm good with kids, i could help out or something"

"Ill keep that in mind"

"I should get going"

"Oh yes yes, wouldnt want to keep you, just give me one second"

Leo rushed inside and put some of the cookies into a little tin and tied a small bow with some discarded ribbon he had from an old present he had received.

She smiled as he handed it to her, 

"They might not be upto scratch of your creations but i do hope you enjoy."

"Ill be sure to give you a review"

"You do that"

He paused before deciding to say exactly what he was thinking, " I really do appreciate you checking in on me, you're too sweet"

Well not exactly, he was also thinking about how much he cant stop thinking about her, but chose to kept that detail private.

"Oh i love your outfit by the way, its very chic"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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