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Liyana bluemell:

Today is the day I die. I'm calling it. 

Silver lining though: atleast a bear will have a nice dinner tonight. 

Gosh let's just hope it ends my suffering quickly.

Just to update you, I was on my way back from a neighbouring city where I had met up with a friend.

It was actually such a cute day, lil cafe vibe and a trippy art exhibition that made me feel slightly woozy. But ofcourse something had to ruin it, and my car died on me in the middle of who knows where at seven minutes past midnight.

I'm trying to smile through the pain but tears keep rolling down my cheeks.

I decided the smartest thing would be to search for someone  to help. But once out in the cold, I wasn't too sure if 'smart' was the right descriptor. 'Death wish' might've been better. 

I couldn't stay in my car, it was freezing and kinda old. And by old I mean a fossil was young and trendy in comparison. The door lock system didn't work so finding help would be ideal. However, even after trecking what felt like a marathon, I was no closer to civilisation. 

Gosh, I wish I had fixed my car when the problem arose, but it was very low on my list of priorities.

After way too long, I finally stumbled upon a house and I could've kissed the doormat at that point. 

Maybe that's the deliriousness that has set in talking.

It was only then that it dawned upon me that I could be actively walking towards a murderers house.

But i could talk a murderer out of murdering me but couldn't convince the weather not to kill me with hyperthermia.

I rang the bell, my fingers completely numb at this point and tried to rub my hands along my sweatshirts arms. They're ere the sort of damp that the cold air brings about and it was doing nothing to warm me up.

I should've brought my coat but my brain was feeling fuzzy now and i just hoped this person was home.

From the outside the windows weren't lit and a pit formed in my stomach at thought of being stranded out here. 

My phone also picked the optimal time to die before I broke down.

Just my luck.

Third person:

Leo didn't get visitors. It was a known thing. His friend ishan would come over often but he had a key and would let himself in. However, this particular Wednesday his door bell rung at 1:28 am making Leo frown. He contemplated not answering it, wanting nothing more than to curl up in his sheets and get lost in dream land, however the world clearly had other plans. 

He opened the door to reveal the girl from the cafeteria.


He stood frozen for second, unsure if he had fallen asleep and this is where tonight's dreams had taken him before uttering a single word, 


What happened to hello, how're you??

"Y-es m-me" she replied, visibly shivering now.

He blinked twice unsure what was happening but moved out of the way regardless and ushered her in out of the cold.

He pointed her in the direction of his living room, and once she was seated he looked as though he wanted to reach out for her hands. 

Her hands that may aswell have turned blue and fallen off. 

Deciding against that approach he murmured "two seconds" before disappearing off.

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